
Porn Barons In Bonking & Bungs Olympic Scandal

Image for Porn Barons In Bonking & Bungs Olympic Scandal

Good evening.

Difficult to remember when the phrase, ‘You couldn’t make it up’ was more apt. The Sunday Times have pulled a rather grubby looking rabbit out of a hat here. A table creaking feast of story in today’s issue.

Here then are the facts as presented. Corporate investigators hired by Levy & Co believe they have discovered payments the most recent of which was £4,800 made in June into the back account of a woman called Dionne Knight. The payments came from an account operated by Naughty Knickers Of Newham Ltd T/A West Ham United Football Club.

Dionne Knight is the Director of Corporate Services at OPLC or Olympic Park Legacy Company.

Dionne is in a relationship with a man called Ian Tompkins. Ian is a Director of West Ham Football Club.

Doorstepped by The Sunday Times, Dionne claimed that the monies – which she did not dispute – were paid for ‘some consultancy work’ she had done for the Porn Barons.

Dionne also disclosed that Karren Brady #facelikeakickedinfridge was fully aware of her ‘consultancy work’ , but that Dionne had not made the OPLC aware of it.

The timeline for this work was that it began two months before the decision to award the Stadium to West Ham. The Sunday Times believes that the corporate detectives were engaged by Tottenham two days before the decision was announced. Readers with keen memories will recall that West Ham began celebrating their ‘win’ at least a day before the decision was formally announced.

On Friday both Ian Tompkins and Dionne Knight were suspended from their positions. Yesterday, a solicitor acting for Dionne revealed that her consultancy work was, ‘a procurement contract in relation to the Olympic Stadium.’ So just to clarify, the Bid Director of West Ham Football Club was sleeping with the Olympic Park Legacy Company’s Director of Corporate Services.

Now this next bit is good. Dionne didn’t tell the OPLC that she was receiving money from the Porn Barons, but she did tell them that she was receiving in a relationship with Ian. So the OPLC  in their own words said, ‘ measures were taken to ensure she had no access to sensitive information.’

So there you have it.  A sordid little tale that stinks to high heaven. The Barons, Tubby Baron & Taller Baron will have to think on their feet here. The OPLC’s Corporate Director, Dionne Knight was not only in a relationship with the Bidding Director of West Ham, but she was also employed by West Ham on a consultative basis.

I am no expert, but I would imagine that the sourcing of this information was absolutely in the public interest. Proof of this if you ever needed it – was that it was hushed up.

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  • bullseye says:

    Its clear to me that THFC have been used to get a better deal from West Ham, and to make this corrupt bidding process look transparent.
    The Goverment bottled it big time in my opinion, instead of getting the best deal for taxpayers they let public opinion dictate there actions. Tottenham had no chance to win the bid, it was loaded against them from day one, i knew this was the case when Tessa Sanderson was made to stand down from the OPLC for failing to declare she worked for Newham.

    The whole process stinks to high heaven, well done Danny boy for exposing the corruption, and for not letting these sharks take the piss out of our great club.

    • Astromesmo says:

      Bullseye hits the target!

      • bullseye says:

        Tottenhams bid had a lot in common with Englands World cup bid, both had no chance!

        I would piss myself laughing if Sepp Blatter came out and said the Olympic stadium bidding process looks a bit suspect!

        • Astromesmo says:

          Judicial review chaired by Jack Warner, with Bernard Madoff and Dominique Strauss-Kahn as advisors.

  • crespur says:

    This could be a No1 hit West’mside Story by the The “Baron Knights” (are they still singing)

  • 39 39 39 says:

    What is Westfield? A company that seems to leach on stadium projects, Westfield and Wembley(built in tandem) now Westfield and Olympic(built in tandem)…What i’m saying is, how much of the two public funded sports venues contributed to the construction costs of their mega malls, I forget what the construction companies involved were called but I do know that Wembley and Westfield W12 were built by the same (Aussie) company. We’ve got a high level conspiracy going on here, Danny Levy and his legal team had better be good. I smell ruthlessness.

  • edspur says:

    Wembley was built by Mediaplex wasn’t it?

  • Xildnparadise says:

    Hmmmm… On Friday THFC applies to the RFG for public monies for the NDP….. Simultaneously, DK who besides working for the OPLC is schtuping IT, a director of WHFC while also receiving cash under the table from DS, DG and especially KB…

    As previously stated the judge went to extremes in trying to stop the judicial review….We all know that someone tipped the Times to the story….Is this just the opening shot across the bow????

    Is the end game a quick approval of a whole lot of RFG funds to make this whole mess disappear before a whole lot more damaging information is released about a whole lot more powerful people with a whole lot more to lose then a couple of porn barons?????

    DL is appearing to be the Edgar Davids of the board room. I would hate to be on his sh@t list……

    PS…. Good picture idea… If I remember correctly Lord Coe’s sister was a Vegas showgirl!!!!

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