
The Sunday Sermon

Image for The Sunday Sermon

Good morning.

Another set of friendlies that nobody with half a brain saw fit to broadcast. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. You let everyone into the ground for free. Then you film it and sell it online at a fiver a head.

This achieves two things. You encourage people to go to live games, especially kids …and are perceived as noble, generous and wise. The second is that you treat your fans like grown ups whilst keeping them on the boil as punters  nurturing and indulging their desire in spending money with you.

Opposed to this garbage text updates business. Multimillion pound business and we’re offering text updates. Levy & Co need to fire whoever’s running this wing of the franchise out of a cannon. These people would offer a man having a stroke a cigarette.

There are people posting ‘footage’ of the goals from the last few games on You Tube that are filmed on mobile phones from TV sets. What’s next, THFC hire  that court room artist from the News At Ten to sketch impressions of salient moments of play?

Mirko Vucunic is apparently on the verge of signing for Juve. What a shocker. Let’s hope that something comes of our supposedly in depth discussions with Los Blancos.

And why can’t my next door neighbours just get into their car and naff off without slamming ever bloody thing they own with a hinge three times? It must be quieter living next door to car crushing plant.


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  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    All those phone pics and videos are still better quality than ITV4 or Channel five’s europy league coverage !

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    “And why can’t my next door neighbours just get into their car and naff off without slamming ever bloody thing they own with a hinge three times? It must be quieter living next door to car crushing plant.”

    You just stopped me mowing my lawn – (My neighbours thank you!)

  • Sid Trotter says:

    To mow one’s lawn in saintly, to mow ones pubes is less so.

  • Vanderfaart says:

    Mr_Spiggot may I suggest to you that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.

  • lecoqhardi says:

    My neighbour’s dog has kept me awake at night for weeks with its barking.So tonight I’m going to climb over the fence, pick up his dog, and put it in my back garden. See how he likes that when it starts to bark.

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