
Vote Here & Now How You Feel On This Whole Modders Fiasco

Image for Vote Here & Now How You Feel On This Whole Modders Fiasco

Bonsoir. That is your actual… okay I’ll just get on with it. Tempers areĀ  understandably fraying by the hour. If not by the bleedin’ minute.

It’s pretty bloody clear that this guy is shaping up to be the last guy we take to our hearts. Unassuming, diligent all that jazz but in the final analysis he was a wrong’en.

But do not let me lead you to your decision. I believe this poll to be true and fair. As will be the flaming envelope of dog poo I intend to have left on Modders’ doorstep once I get his address.

Vote. Get it off your chests. I would.

[poll id=”18″]

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