
Adebayor With A&E?!!! [that picture]

Image for Adebayor With A&E?!!! [that picture]

Good evening to you,

Have you seen this man?

This image emerged on Twitter earlier this evening but I couldn’t bring it to you as the baby chimpanzee that hosts this blog had somehow managed to get both his arms stuck in his nappy and truss himself up like a Christmas goose with the string of his yo yo.

So here courtesy of @footballramble is that picture. If you click on the second image you should get a grainy close up that proves that if you enlarge an element of a crap picture you get an enlarged area of crapness.

So there you have it. We can’t make jokes about it being A&E doing a meet and greet with looters as whitey ain’t in the snap, but I am sure you’ll find it a great source of conversation anyway.

Remember most crimes occur within a few hundred yards of a Premiership referee, such as Full Dowd or Mark Clattennurk. So the chances of you being personally affected by a maniac are very low. Do sleep well.

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  • frontwheel 2 says:

    He’s at Benny’s pad

  • Ginola14 says:

    Someone just told me they read we’re paying £100k of his weekly wage. If that’s true, Levy is playing a dangerous game if he wants to keep our wage structure in tact.

    Personally if we’re not going to spend any money on new players I think we should pay our stars more to keep hold of them. Perhaps then we could fend of the vultures should we finish 5th or worse.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      If it’s true, you have to bear in mind that Adebayor would cost in the region of £25 mill, which if amortised over five years is £100k per week. Effectively, we have a player on a free transfer, who we will pay £100k per week, or we have paid £5 mill transfer fee for a player who is going to play or us for free for one year.

      When Campbell went to Arsenal, he was their highest paid player at the time, because as they had not paid a transfer fee, they could factor that into his wages.

      Although this may breach the wage structure, because there is no transfer fee, we can afford to pay more. One more way of looking at it, is that we have bought a player on a one year contract, for say £1.5 mill, and we are paying him £70k per week.

    • DAVSPURS says:

      don’t worry its laundered money of Leveys mate Carston

  • Astromesmo says:

    Stick Benny on a commission and send him out to South America with a chequebook. Benny, Tottenham legend.


    “Don’t you wish your leftback was B – A – E”

  • Astromesmo says:

    A striker and a stadium in the same night… Blimey. Daniel must have had a Red Bull or one of DavSpurs Ephedrine shakes.


    • Eleth_bay says:

      Lol where is DavSpurs..been a bit quiet lately………

    • D.Levey says:

      No all i had was a drink from Utds changing rooms and i cant stop running that’s why harry cant get in touch i thought it was Lucazade. When i asked Alex what was in the bottle of zade he said Wanes dieting supplement anyone got a belt for me pants.

  • hotspurhartley says:

    Am I the only one on here that’s not terribly excited by the Adebayor/Diarra rumours?
    Arry’s transfer policy seems lazy. Send the scouts to watch loads and loads of talented players and then leave them for our rivals while we trick them all and buy players that Arry has coached previously or have played for our arch enemies or are too old to qualify for an 18 – 30 holiday…..that should blow their minds… :dizzy2: FAKINEL!

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