
Arry’s Had His Knuckles Rapped By Levy, Modric Deal Off & Adebayor Is 50/50

Image for Arry’s Had His Knuckles Rapped By Levy, Modric Deal Off & Adebayor Is 50/50

Good evening.

Fresh from the Reebok our Arry was on talkSPORT tonight and a few revelations emerged. Arry didn’t appear to know that Juan Mata was Chelsea bound. Not being cute, but some well placed sources called this a day or two ago.

Off the back of this, Arry immediately announced that to him this meant that any Modric to Second Hand Fridge deal was off.

When asked specifically about Modric, it was interesting that his stance had notably changed since last week. ‘Not for sale’ he said. It would appear that the Chairman has eventually got his message across in an entirely understandable fashion at long last.

Gone is the rubbish about the boy not being happy, gone is the wishy washy flim flam. ‘Not for sale.’ Well done Arry. Next time, perhaps you don’t need to be told twice, eh?

Last up is that the Adebayor deal that ITK’s have been calling done, is not. The wage issue drags on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not crowing. I want him shipped in. Just saying that I sincerely hope that we are still trying to land other targets.

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  • Death says:

    Hmmpf!…. and with history and everyone else expecting a loss tonight, a rousing cry of COYS!
    in hope rather than expectation

  • Onlyme says:

    1-2 scoreline with VDV bagging a brace. COYS!

  • Lee says:

    this is a snippet of security footage from The Lane… Don Levy

  • Alspur says:

    “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters—one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.”

    ~John F. Kennedy~

    I’m not certain, but maybe JFK was alluding to the fact that Hudd will get more games if Modric leaves… ;)

  • Alspur says:

    Listen up, you Spurs…

    Luka Modric is not the Messiah!!!!!!!

    …he’s just a very naughty boy…

    (aw, come on: anything to lighten the mood…)

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Laugh? I almost paid my credit card bill!

    • frontwheel 2 says:

      When you say naughty i guess you mean slimey,greedy,dishonourable cunt

    • LosLorenzo says:

      PILATE: This time, I guawantee you will not escape. Guard, do we have any cwucifixions today?

      GUARD #1: A hundred and thirty-nine, sir. Special celebration. Passover, sir.

      PILATE: Wight! Now we have a hundwed and forty. Nice wound number, eh, Biggus?

      BIGGUS DICKUS: Hm hm hm hm hm.

      CENTURION: Hail Caesar!

      PILATE: Hail.

      CENTURION: The crowd outside is getting a bit restless, sir. Permission to disperse them, please.

      PILATE: Disperse them? But I haven’t addwessed them yet.

      CENTURION: Ah, no. I know sir, but–

      PILATE: My addwess is one of the high points of the Passover. My fwiend, Biggus Dickus, has come all the way fwom Wome just to hear it.

      CENTURION: Hail Caesar.

      BIGGUS: Hail Thaethar!

      CENTURION: You’re not– ah, you’re not, uh, thinking o– of giving it a miss this year, then, sir?

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