
It’s All Levy’s Fault – But It’s Alright Rodney – Arry As A Cunnin’ Plan

Image for It’s All Levy’s Fault – But It’s Alright Rodney – Arry As A Cunnin’ Plan


In an unsensational and all too predictable flash of cockroach like behavour, our tight lipped supremo passed the buck for this evening’s thumping to …Chairman Daniel Levy.

Levy, who has done nothing but hamper the clubs process by shipping in expensive deadbeats for the last two years finally brought Mr Redschnapps out of his self imposed vow of silence and meditation this evening.

“We need one or two and we need some characters and I’ve said this for a long time to the chairman.

I know exactly who we need and if the chairman can help me get them then we’ll be a better team”

This would be funny if I didn’t care. Arry bought Defoe back and his strategy there was to eventually give him a Jimmy Greaves DVD. Arry watched PSB die a slow death at Liverpool and spent millions resigning his corpse. And then Arry brought in 3MP and did his level best to turn us into a modern day Watford.

If this wasn’t enough, he then publicaly backs the idea that we sell arguably our best player to fund the purchase of an old West Ham player and an old Pompey player. Not mum’s jewellery, Dell!

In the words of Del Trotter, who needs a recession when you’ve got him as a financial advisor?’

Arry makes Venables look like Alan Sugar. He makes Fred & Rose West look like Terry & June.

Yes he’s probably the best manager since Keith, but by Christ he’s beginning to frighten me now.

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  • Naughty Governor says:

    Friedel – So unbelievably ashamed we have a 40 something first choice gk whom we just signed, when we have a 28 year old monster of a gk on the bench who we should be playing and supporting to no end – even though he has made some mistakes, I doubt the scoreline would have been different with Gomes playing – I never want to see that old fart in the jersey again – people here are talking about that we need big characters, Gomes seems to me to be a huge character who wears his heart on his sleeve – he needs our support PLAY HIM FFS.
    BAE – Mr.Slick, needs to COOL down the Cool and show some attitude – is getting a bit dangerous to always turn and fall counting on a freekick
    Dawson – Needs to be way more commanding, needs to rule the show, needs to realize he is the first name on the teamsheet – needs to believe he is the man…and show it!
    Kaboul – Looks like a raging bull, which I like, had a good game and should remain in the team. Does actually care if somebody tries to tackle him…has some spirit which some Spurs players seem to lack.
    Walker – Doesn´t seem to be ready in my eyes, looked very high strung in the Hearts game. Had to be taken out now at halftime because he had the runs!? why? not ready? Seems way to busy talking to the media about his pals in the national side…not sure give him a couple of more games maybe.
    Lennon – needs more confidence to shoot ffs. Key player always!
    Livermore – This guy couldn´t even hold down a first team place at Ipswich??? am I wrong??? …great he´s a young player on the up, just loan him out to Wigan or something ffs, not ready for the mighty spurs sorry
    Kranjcar – like him and rate him, but not in the middle of the park – in my opinion just like VDV has to have two midfielders behind him to warrant a place, way to slow
    Bale – Too cocky?… needs to be subbed from time to time, bring him down to earth – needs to know that he´s not untouchable, but without a doubt a key player in our team
    VDV – Wonderful player but should never ever play in a middle two, simply doesn´t have the pace – should be our captain!!! never gives up!!! …has a crazy streak
    Defoe – give it a rest the guy cannot play upfront alone jesus!!! – couldn´t even play with PSB upfront – needs a giant with him to be effective, should only be an impact sub
    Pav – ? …lack of words, good? bad?
    Huddlestone – must have got the george forman grill this summer, looks lighter and more mobile…still looks asleep though

    • melcyid says:

      whole heartedly agree on GOMES, but I reckon he would have at least gone for the headers ,his reflexes are second to none.I believe I havent seen more world class save from him than since pat jennings.yes I know about the clangers before I get shot down.

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      Agree with most… actually all, but was thinking Vdv doesn’t need to be captain, but then again in our squad maybe he should… But it’s not so much who wears the armband, but having vocal characters. Players will be themselves on the pitch, hence Dawson will never get any better than he is now. It wouldn’t matter if quiet King wore the armband if players like Bellemy, Barton, Adebayor, Diarra or Parker were on the field, players that are noisier and don’t take crap, or defeat, very well.

  • Benson says:

    Ah yes because pretty much the same playing staff that turned over both Milans, Liverpool and the Nomads on their own patch isn’t good enough to beat a Utd XI side without new signings. Let me guess HR “it’s as good as it’s gonna get.” Fishing for a sacking blatantly and i’m almost at the stage that I could care less if he was. Did us a great service in stopping the rot and then taking us to the CL but the soundbites and dire decisions are getting beyond a joke now

  • LosLorenzo says:

    Have no idea what Harry is thinking when he talks, but that is nothing new. I’m going to wait and see how things look Sept. 2.

    As for the game, I could sum it up with one word. But I won’t.

    Age aside, Friedel looked assured. If he plays confidently, I’m fine. If he goes five games and then makes a couple mistakes, and gomes returns with renewed confidence, I’m also fine. RB is still up in the air. Walker got turned a couple of times, but used his speed to good effect. Charlie didn’t let Young get a cross in a single time I don’t think. Buildup for the goals was not in his area.

    Ref started as expected, denying Bale two free kicks early on, but we can’t blame decisions for the loss today.

    Wish Thudd had been able to start. He started brightly, but his passing is far from as consistent as ratboy. Nor his positioning. They seemed to get him under control after the opening excanges. Still, tried hard for much of the game. Livermore did about as much as can be expected of him. Good intent, but unfinished. Lennon’s final ball let him down a bit, but didn’t have many good targets to aim for. How he didn’t see VdV I will never know, and it was a bit disturbing. Bale had to roam to find space. Looked lively on a few occasions, but not his best work. Defoe was also lively, but no end product. On another day he might have made something out of nothing, but was not presented with many good chances. Yellow card was unfair imo, as the ball still seemed to be loose.

    In the first half we had a few good spells of confidence-boosting passing. They were only just edging us before the goal. All three goals were very well worked, and although the second two belie a bit of ‘softness’, I agree with prior assessments that had we scoreed first, things might have gone very differently.

    Kaboom and Daws to continue to build their partnership. Younes in particular was getting stuck in and looked confident.

    A&E was his usual self. That behind-the-heel dink in the middle of the park, fooling the opposing number into a foul pretty much summed him up for me. Swagger.

    VdV wanted it more than anyone. I wonder though, what people would be saying about the cross pitch giveaway he had early on, had it been perpetrated by, saaaay, J****. The classiest player on either team by a wide margin. Unfortunately he seemed to want to do it all on his own towards the end. I don’t know whether he thought Harry was going to take him off (the 45-yarders started around the 60th), or whether he lost confidence in his teammates after the Lennon debacle, but it was to the detriment of our play. He’s a smart boy, though, so I’m sure he’ll know that too once he cools down.

    The final scoreline didn’t tell the tale of a game that was for long periods quite entertaining. Without a doubt, the best team won. If you are going to get something at Old Trafford, you pretty much need to catch a break. We didn’t. Yet again, Suralix will be the man to beat for the title. On the form so far, I don’t see who can catch them. Toughest match of the season out of the way.

    Bring on Man City. Get the squad sorted YESTERDAY and I still think we will have a good season.

    That word, by the way, was ‘unsurprising’.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      “Wish Thudd had been able to start. He started brightly[…]”
      The second ‘he’ was in reference to Krankie, just so that’s clear.

  • Gerry Rowland says:

    The worst insult to the long suffering fans is
    players on 50k a week running out of steam. Getting outclassed is 1 thing but not fit is a disgrace.My Dog would not have given the ball away as much. They were different grade agreed but we had no BALLS and our training staff need to find out why we have so many GROIN STRAINS.
    I was mad again to get up at 2 in the morning but thats being a spurs fan VERY DISSAPOINTED

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Pretty much agree with all you say there Los, good to see someone comment on the game without any anti this and that bullshit.

    Up until that first goal we were right in the game. Unfortunately that first goal deflated the team to a point where Utd looked yards quicker all over the pitch.

    I think the second Utd goal summed up the difference between the two teams. Wellback could have shot in a great position, but set up Anderson to score. If any of our forwards could have replicated that coolness it could have been a different result.

    I sometimes think our players try to hard. Utd are a team. We are clearly not. But first game and all that. No need to despair yet.

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