
‘Modric Asked Me Not Play Him’ Redschnapps Reveals

Image for ‘Modric Asked Me Not Play Him’ Redschnapps Reveals

Where to start with this one?

Meltdown at the Lane! Club in crisis.!Manager loses dressing room! John Cross from The Mirror has just Tweeted that Luca Modric asked not to be played prior to this afternoon’s spanking. Jeremy Wilson of the Torygraph has now added that this request was ‘two hours before the game.”

So we have an insurrection on our hands boys. If this isn’t a mess, it’ll do til one gets here.

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  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    I can’t bloody keep up today HH ?!?

    Can you please post on each blog before setting up a new one.

    How am I supposed to share my genius with you all if you keep running away ?

  • ufluckingplick says:

    never known the pub in Hong Kong to be so quiet…dumbstruck! Let Harry’s excuses commence

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    I would rather keep the stadium we have – don’t spend a penny on anything but the team and let’s get sustained success THEN build a new home.

    We get in the Champs league – once – any only by a single crouch goal and we assume the right to build a shiny new gucci stadium and wait for kaka to turn up. :pinch:

  • Benson says:

    Ok if this is true can Redknapp be anymore transparent? Think i’m gonna go take a walk or something till i’ve cooled off. That droopy faced f*** is fishing for a sale and to bring in his cronies, instead I hope Levy fishes for a new manager.

    • Phil McAvity says:

      Why is Levy going to get rid of him now when he can get some compo in 12 months time if he thinks the FA are going to come knocking?

      • Benson says:

        Simple. Levy is a businessman. If this crap continues it makes us look increasingly like a laughing stock. The worse we look the worse Levy then looks so for the sake of a few mill in compensation from the FA he’ll be pushed LONG before the England job becomes available.

        Besides with the complete and utter lack of a backup plan, the constantly contradictions to the media and the dark cloud of tax issues, i’ll be VERY surprised if Redknapp was ever considered for the job.

  • DKJ says:

    We’ve spent 95 million since Redknapp has been at the club.

    The new stadium project has been in the works for years, it’s nothing to do with the CL. Other than us ever wanting to be back in it again, of course.

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