
Oh Do Shut Yer Cakehole…

Image for Oh Do Shut Yer Cakehole…

Good morning?

Arry Redschnapps is a good football manager. Say what you want, make all the wobbly chops gags you like, his record speaks for itself. The 2 points from 8 games quote t-shirt is still available from the HH Schmutter Dept at a price you can afford, global delivery available.

However, whilst he’s a talented manager I’d argue his instincts for self preservation are superior to anything he’s demonstrated on a football pitch. I won’t bore you with a blow by blow account of his entire career, but old Aitch has crawled out of more exploding, flaming, twisted debris than Bruce Willis did in the entire Die Hard franchise.

The point when I really grasped what was going on was when Arry did that interview out of his car window, saying that the Chairman was keen to spend, probably keener than he was to bring in new players.

It was then I believe, that it dawned on our Arry he had inadvertently put himself well and truly on offer if things went mammary glands up. From that moment on we’ve been nurtured on a diet of ‘I dunno’s’ and ‘I wish I could tell yous.’

The reality of course that there is money to spend but much of it is tied up in deadbeats that aren’t good enough to get selected for the first team squad in a friendly. And here’s a revelation, Arry can buy – but he appears incapable of selling. No wonder he got stroppy over being branded a wheeler dealer. He can wheel with the best of ’em, but his dealing leaves much to be desired.

There’s a fine line between being a good buyer and simply being a good spender. As anyone with a girlfriend or wife can testify…

And so to these Modric comments. I have to ask, just who’s side are you on Arry? The Chairman of the club has emphatically stated that the player is not for sale. A bid has been refused without consideration. The pitiful, ‘No like chicken badge’ whining of the player has been nothing but a source of amusement.

Yet ‘Ardball Arry the business guru seems to believe it’s good idea to tell the press that the transfer to Chelsea could yet happen. He also believes that the monies generated would be useful in bringing in fresh players to boost the squad.

What a plum. The motivation for this witless revelation isn’t poor ickle Modric’s little boy lost routine in training, it is Arry – as per -thinking of himself.

Sketch 1. Flog Modders – ‘It’s not my fault, what could I do ? It was a lotta lolly, the boy wanted to go’.

Sketch 2. Arry then gets his hands on the transfer fee and I would imagine makes all too predictable megabids for people like Scotty Parker. He spends and takes a punt we can get 4th.

Sketch 3. Then when it all goes down the tube – ‘It’s not my fault, what could I do ? The Chairman says he weren’t for sale, then he sells our best player’.

Redschnapps needs to keep his head down and focus upon the task for which he is employed to do. If he’s feeling chatty, he should start ringing round his galaxy of footy mates and make a concerted effort to offload the deadbeats.


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  • LLL says:

    Worth pointing out that when Kevin Bond was somewhat gormlessly conned into agreeing that a hypothetical mega bid could hypothetically see Modric leave, he was forced to officially retract it and make a statement reiterating the club line.

    Seeing as Redknapp has never really towed the club line on this, and has now come out and contradicted it completely, I wonder if there will be any similar sanction? Somehow I doubt it.

  • iain says:

    “And so to these Modric comments. I have to ask, just who’s side are you on Arry? ”

    That is the crux of the matter. Harry seems to have his own agenda and it often doesn’t seem to have much connection with what’s best for the club. He has been undermining Levy’s stance over Modric right from when the story broke. Why, I wonder?

    • LLL says:


      On past form, you’d have to wonder if he isn’t on some kind of promise from Roman himself. A big brown envelope for tapping up our own player

      • iain says:

        You have to ask yourself, if he was, how would he behave differently? And if he’s off in a year to the England job where Spurs end up this year isn’t really his problem, so long it isn’t so bad England don’t want him.

  • Bobbles says:

    Up until now I’ve just put it down to a bit of natural “ask me a question and I’ll answer it” mentality – nothing too sinister there. I do struggle to understand how, to quote some management speak, him and Levy are not ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ though.

    In a way I can understand it mind you – £30m + Drogba, for example, would solve a few problems, and if we shipped out Crouch and Palacios for another £15m we could go get this Ruiz character, Diarra or Parker, Cahill or Samba, Ade on loan, an as yet unidentified creative CM – you have to say we’d be stronger – OVERALL.

    He also has a good point about the top 4. Can anyone really see us challenging the top 3?

  • ChrisD says:

    Bruce Buck is lapping up every word and shoulder shrug.

  • kash says:

    Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Harry shut your mouth, shut your mouth, Harry shut your mouth..

    To the tune of baby give it up!

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