
The Arry Redschnapps Survey Aug 2011

Image for The Arry Redschnapps Survey Aug 2011

Good morning ladies,

Some interesting blood letting going on in down town Tottinghamshire last night and this morning. What I’m finding interesting is the contrast between what we are experiencing and what is occurring amongst our chums the Woolwich Wanderers.

Even Paul Merson gave Aunty Wenger a blast yesterday, all Plan A and no Plan B he said. About five times. Leading Arch Deacon in the gooner religious cult Alan Smith was on the telly reciting all the glaringly obvious areas that Arsene needs to address in the next what, three days in order to give the gunners half a chance.

A Spurs manager and an Arsenal manager finally, firmly in the same bracket. Whodaeverthunkit?

Bolton are good team to cite here and and I never thought I’d write those words in a favourable way. I don’t hail Owen Coyle as a messiah, but you cannot debate that the performance he got out out of someĀ  – it has to be said – some pretty gormless players last Sunday was tangibly superior to the train wreck served up at The Lane yesterday.

The trotters faced essentially the same Manchester City players, playing in a very similar manner. Dzeko was in identical form yet only managed one goal. Barry took an almost identical wallop from outside the box. Aa Silva even repeated faking injury and falling over a bit. The similarities, I promise you were frightening.

The difference was that Bolton when they conceded did not give up. The difference was that whilst the City fans sang their socks off, the Bolton fans got stuck in and let everyone know who was the home side. The difference is that tactically and as individuals Bolton had enough about them to only lose to a bloody good side by one goal.

I’ve been accused by heretics :happy: of not only Arry bashing but inciting said bashing recently. Perhaps this survey, available to all lovers. mothers, daughters and haters alike will demonstrate if there really is angst in the camp or if there is not. Surveys are a numbers game. Opinions nailed down to how many people really feel that way. Not some wide eyed loner typing into a comments box, I represent many who feel the same way… (these clowns routinely do not by the way) one IP, one vote.

If I’ve ticked the right buttons, you ought to be able to answer each question once, but choose more than one answer to each.Hit the image below, should take you between no time at all and two minutes…

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  • Sao Paulo Spurs says:

    Excellent! 2 resounding defeats, 1 unhappy star player and now we want Owen Coyle in and Harry out. What the feck!? I agree, Harry’s public whinging is getting on my nerves but we all know he is busy polishing his England tie and needs to be seen as the victim in all this. Levy is not gonna sack Harry unless something MAD happens, i.e only getting 2 points from 8 games Harry.. :-)

  • Chrispurs says:

    I don’t know if anyone else saw Bale wandering in to CM; when we needed on the wing? Must be Arry’s ‘tactical nous’.

    • LLL says:

      Yes, repeatedly. Not only central midfield but generally no more than 10 foot away in any direction from A&E. Dunno if that was tactics but either it was Harry’s idea or else Harry didn’t notice and didn’t tell him to stop, either way that makes him less tactically aware than most of the assorted punters in the crowd

  • Plod says:

    Online surveys (and I haven’t looked at the results yet) are a numbers game of those who like to complain. You don’t write to Tesco and tell them you are doing well you only say something when you want to complain.

    Forums are renown for it and web sites are much the same so for me the results whatever they are are distorted before they even start.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      They are only distorted in terms of who decides to take part. I have no control over who participates, all I can do is ensure that the responses offered are balanced.

      Now, you don’t need to be a genius to know that there are more grumpy fans kicking around today than happy ones, but the questions are hopefully bigger than “Arry Out! Please select yes or no”

      I hope.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Plod has a point.

      This was set up 10 months ago.


      Massive turnout of objectors there, too. ;-)

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      That’s so true.Independent surveys are weighted and the organization contacts the participant, not the other way around.When contact is initiated by the participant you tend to get a populist distorted view of everything.That’s why Sun phone ins are so full of it.

  • Yidango says:

    Didn’t think ‘Arry bigging up Citeh as better than Barcalona was very motivating for the Spurs team (or was he getting his excuses in early as usual?)… Wish he’d shut up.

  • Eleth_bay says:

    What I don’t understand is lennon is playing shit, so give the boy dos Santos his chance. That’s what anoys me about Harry inter Alia …..

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