
Who’s Just Sneaked Into The Lodge?

Image for Who’s Just Sneaked Into The Lodge?

And so it begins!

Tweeted by Tottingham midfield supremo Tommy Huddlestone, aka Dances With Scones aka …

Who is this mystery figure? Is it Ray Houghton in bondage gear off his head on poppers? The cast of Emmerdale farm? The White Helmets Motorcycle Display Team?A team of 3 men carrying a Dominos order?

Closest answer to the truth wins a lock of Tim Sherwood’s hair, Still attached to his head.


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  • eleth_bay says:

    Rubbish , only parker in , absolute disgrace . Spurs are shit , can’t see us competeing against stoke let alone the other top teams . levy you are truely a cunt and rednapp fck off to jail ……. I hope we had learned from being spanked by city

  • Psiber says:

    can only think Levy’s started being extremely tight because of the stadium. We needed a one more striker IMO. unlikely but what if city recall adebayor?

    • rich says:

      No probably tired of stock pile harry buying players for inflated fees on big wages then after having them for 2 seasons deciding they aren’t what he wants and have to be offloaded at massive losses and paid to leave.

  • Mick O'Mack says:

    Hate to be a prick, but obviously I will be.
    Seriously, spurs fans just read this thread top to bottom and see what all us other non-spurs fans see, the most deluded witless morons support spurs.
    Kaka, Balotelli, rossi…complete mongs, in fact pick the name out of air convince yourselves you are top class and the world sees you as such…
    Enjoy moody Modric, he will be gone by january, for a shade less than the 40M pie in the sky deal you thought.
    Clueless fucking mugs, How many left in the last hour too, bwahahahahahahaha what a crock of shite, Redknapp will be up before the beak for one of his many tax fiddles, all the while Levy pats himself on the back for his expertise in money matters apart from the ones that really count, i predict no higher than 10th place this year, if God hasn’t forgiven you lot yet relegation.

    • rich says:

      You could’ve saved some typing and stopped at “be” as all you did after was confirm yourself as one. Tool.

    • col says:

      Mick o mack you are a prick an absolute,no question about it 100% total prick and i bet you were being all brave and posting using a prize tosser name at the same time as beating your meat you hero.Mick o mack an arse with ears.

  • Mick O'Mack says:

    Still, none the less true though eh?

    • Aaron says:

      Lol, you must have the worst life in the world. A bitter pikey fan upset that you had to settle for a Liverpool bench-warmer instead of Modric. Why would you read a Spurs blog anyway? Have a couple hours spare before having to dash off to the Job Centre? By the way, as a sidenote: the links to Kaka et al from Spurs fans are ironic you retard. Get back to looking at the naughty pictures of your mum you have saved on your desktop you inbred pikey cuntbag.

    • col says:

      Mick o mack you fucking marmite driller have you done your mums arse again….everyone else has.

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