
11 O’Clocker – On An Upbeat Note

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Good  evening.

The arrival of Emmanuel at the Lane I’d have to describe as seminal. In a stroke his signature made bigots blush and fans across the globe experience something they hadn’t truly felt for some time. Legitimate hope.

Ade’s only here for a year and this is coup in itself. I’ve alleged that Arry is above all a good crisis manager and equally our new number 10 has form for arriving at new clubs and delivering some of his best work …early doors.

Man At Cable Street Riots is undoubtedly another light in the fog of ‘getting it right’. I was struggling to identify him in the first few minutes of my dodgy stream against Mick’s marauders – but as I made reference in the player ratings – he runs like a footballer on a Pathe News reel.  Poker faced, all low center of gravity, big shorts and clumpy boots. No care for this out of place hair until the tackle is over, the run is done, the ball is out of play.

Brad has conceded more goals than anyone would care to mention. But against the backdrop of me actually being a Gomes admirer, I think the Septics’ horrible tally so far requires perspective. 

City and United are scoring goals for fun. That’s not an excuse, it’s a statement of fact. And it’s all about perception …Granite jawed he stands. He blasts his charges in English and the watching crowds know him from his Premiership form. And when the ball goes in, his demeanor lacks that South American comic vibe. His failed dives have all been all out attempts rather than stock barrel rolls ala England’s Number One.

And what of the young chap with facial features that occasionally resemble a rodent with a poultry crest allergy? I believe he’ll come good for us again. Anyone with enough low animal cunning/savvy to attempt to engineer a transfer only a few months into a lengthy contract has enough about them to realise that all eyes are on his stock. As Fernando Torres will discover in due course a footballer needs to maintain his form if he is to stay attractive. 

So personnel-wise we are primed to gradually improve once more in January . The hate figures have gone. But more importantly their wage bills have left with them. To state the bleedin’ obvious, the run into Christmas needs to be a period of consolidation with players learning to understand each other. 

Still no return date for Billy Gallas, but this is such a vital piece of this season’s puzzle. Ledders will not feature in more games than he did last season and Kaboul appears to have an ongoing battle between his classy and his daft genes. Awsome Dawson equally seems to suffer when not supervised by an adult.

The path ahead is potentially exciting. Liverpool are not consistently living up to the hype. King Kenny has seemingly gone from a popular pontiff to a bloke in a chain store suit bemoaning refereeing decisions. Dalglish has paid through the eyeballs for for some relatively so so players. Which is cheap shot as that is known as market forces. 

Arsenal have signed a genuine weapon in Gervinho, but as an entire outfit they are quite a bit broken. The doctrines of their illustrious leader has filtered down as being that of the troops too. But the problem is that they have simply run out of people to blame. Come Christmas I predict spontaneous combustion if they have failed to attach themselves convincingly to the coat tails of the front runners. Aunty Wenger’s jam tomorrow spiel has well and truly worn it’s welcome.

But of course, we’re only a week and a bit into September…


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  • nicktheyid says:

    what do we want “saggy face out” when do we want it “this time last month,or anytime near”
    and finally for any one that thinks skeletor(friedel) 8 goals in two games or limp wrists(cudicini) is a better keeper than gomes needs there head tested

  • PLN says:

    Surely Friedel is more like the big rock guy from the Fantastic Four?

    Skeletor is quite clearly Benayoun.

    • Billy Legit says:

      The big rock guy is called ‘The Thing’ and like our esteemed new No.1 has a yankee accent to boot! (well, they would wouldn’t they- both being septic and all)

    • nicktheyid says:

      to call him the rock or the thing would be to accept him as a super hero which he is far from! “hes no messiah” hes just a very dodgy keeper

      • Billy Legit says:

        Agree, although felt a bit sorry for the old fella last night watching him on MOTD2.

        Incredibly articulate (for a footballer, and a septic), but the main purpose for him being on seemed to be so that LeeDix and the Irish fella could just rinse him for an hour. Why he didn’t clock Dix across the chops is a mystery!

        • nicktheyid says:

          just shows what a laughing stock we really are !hes hardly a shilton or a clemence maybe a seamen as he definately saw us coming

        • Billy Legit says:

          What really gets my goat is that if your going to bring in someone as your new no.1, why a 40+ septic when Mr Given was available?

          And who did Villa replace 40+ with when we took him off their hands?…..thats right folks, Mr Given!

          Good going Twichy yer twat!

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Good morning Blighty!

    Just heard something on the telly.

    I won’t share as I was the only one in the room listening at the time.

    Fell silly now don’t you. Huh!

  • picasosdog says:

    davspurs was right all along

    • melcyid says:

      there are no flies on Davspurs. he genuinly believes what he says and there is no smoke without fire and if he was only 25% right that would be enough surely.

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