
Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?

Image for Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?

Good morning.

I read the squad sheet for this evenings game and I’m struggling to work up any enthusiasm. With only two first team ‘names’ , this looks very likely to be on a par with the unadulterated toss served up against Hearts at least time out. 

Why the hate for the kids? Well it’s not hate you see, more an instance of me liking to get what I ordered. I like Chinese food. But if I sit down in a steakhouse, order the rib eye and all the trimmings I don’t really expect to have duck, pancakes etc plonked down before me.

I’m happy enough to go watch the youth players. I’d part with a fiver and take my chances with the best of you. But this is Europe, whatever brain numbing spin you want to put on it and I didn’t order kids. This is Europe.

One angle that has been mumbled on several occasions by our tight lipped supremo is the old ‘Thursdays and Sundays is a killer’ routine. Can someone with a Phd is Egg-timers or above kindly explain the difference between Thursdays and Saturdays and Wednesdays and Saturdays? 

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  • Cusop says:

    Harry if you need to write a blog with out these bloody stupid ads contact me and you can move away from this shit.

    there is truth in what you say but if the lads can achieve the objective of wining with this group we will be fine and they also will be ready for the league cup too

  • TMWNN says:

    If I was going to the game, I might possibly be upset, but even then I’d probably only treat it as a mini holiday and not give a shit who turned out on the pitch.

    However brain numbing it is, the EL is just a glorified Intertoto Cup which is used as a financial safety net for the big clubs who drop out the CL and the TV companies.

    It’s a sham.

    • Astromesmo says:

      It’s a mockery of a sham, a travesty of a mockery of a sham.

      Have to agree. Harrumphing about sending our young finest out against backwater Europe under the premise of some kind of trading standards exercise is a little bit ‘Yours sincerely, Outraged of the Daily Mail’.

      We’ve criticised successive managers for not showing enough faith in our youngsters and this is a great opportunity for them to gather some real experience… Not just the ‘On loan to Orient’ kind.

      If this competition (That I hope we win) serves for nothing else, it should be that for once, at the end of the season, we’ll be able to point to real promise in one of our kids and properly integrate them into the first team set-up.

      • Chirpy says:

        Or not; last season’s Carling Cup? I can almost hear the January loan papers being typed :daumen:

        • LosLorenzo says:

          To be fair, I do rate Arsenal’s B-team (anno 2010) right around the teams in our group.

          And everyone seems to forget that our young’uns were pretty much just as good as their lot for 90 minutes in that game.

          Oh, and this being the group stage, we’re guaranteed 6 fixtures, so regardless of results the potential is there to give the up-and-comers quite a bit of time on the pitch.

    • essexian76 says:

      By’Glorified’,you mean shite and pointless, I take it?

    • Chirpy says:

      Does this mean there will be no complaints should ‘the kids’ efforts prove inadequate?

      • TMWNN says:

        Not from me guv.

      • essexian76 says:

        Not from me, It will however, bring about an avalanche of derision should Sunday’s game go tit’s up though.

        • Chirpy says:

          Seemingly inevitable at present no matter what transpires :blink:

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Wait, so if the first string lose on Sunday you’re going to blame Redschnapps for picking a weakened side today?

          Or you’re just going to be mad at ‘Arry no matter how and/or why we potentially lose?

        • Essexian76 says:

          I wouldn’t blame him at all, thought I’d made that perfectly clear from the outset, but you know there are those who’ll beat him senseless irrespective of tonights result and that’s enevitable I’m afraid. Once again,I believe our priority is Sunday’s game not tonights. My gripe is with UEFA for not making it a worthwhile competition, that’s all!

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Just being difficult old chum.

          Totally agree on both your points here.
          a)No matter what he does, a large portion of our support just don’t like ‘Arry at the moment. (disclaimer: they all have their reasons, don’t shoot the messenger)
          b)Why, oh, why does the winner of EL not qualify for CL the following year. WHY!?!?!?

  • dixta says:

    right decision to play the 2nds but arry should not have banged on incesantly about Europa being a nuisance, 2nd rate etc. Yes we know it is rubbish until you get to the 1/4 finals so why bang on about it? actually i know the answer to that, it’s coz arry loves to bang on.

    • Topspur says:

      Sometimes when you read some of the comments here you know exactly why he’s banging on, as some of the less quick witted still can’t get their heads around it.

    • PLN says:

      He bangs on about it being pointless so when we get knocked out he can say “oh well, it’s only a distraction anyway, now we can concentrate on the league”

      Then when we dont achieve what we want in the league he can say “damn Europa League was the reason we didnt achieve our goals in the Prem”

      Standard Harry self preservation.

  • Astromesmo says:

    Spurs blog phrase installer v2.0

    Group A
    They’re either good enough or they’re not, we’ll never know until they get a game, why doesn’t Harry know about squad rotation, he only plays his favourites & never gives the kids a chance etc. etc.

    Group B

    A professional player should be able to play 2 games in a week, always play your best 11 – They’re supposed to be fit enough, I don’t pay to see second rate players, they’ve not done anything of note on loan etc. etc.


    Please take random comments from either group and adopt suitable standpoint to back your argument, depending entirely how you feel that morning – Even if this is completely contradictory from your standpoint the day before.

    c. AstroCorp 2011

  • dubyid says:

    the difference between thursdays and and saturdays and wednesdays and saturdays is about 24 hours? wonder if the FA shaft us again like that Man Yoo noon saturday kick off a few years ago?

    • Spurfect says:

      Think Harold meant Wednesday – Saturday and Thursday – Sunday, answer being none.

      Apart from this week where the Prem decided to give us a 1pm kick off just to rob us of a few extra hours and an longer lay in. We should be awake by the 2nd half! Hopefully…

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