
Arry Preparing Tottingham Exit

Image for Arry Preparing Tottingham Exit

Good evening all.

A considered question to those who might feel I’m giving Arry a rough ride. Name me another Premiership manager who so profusely publicly contradicts the decision and the will of his club’s board.

I continually kid myself I’m a balanced chap but striking a balance between Derek Nimmo and Don Logan (bad Ghandi) is a demanding role. And then I get this. 

He simply cannot help himself can he? Can we get get a quick word Aitch? Oh for the man’s ability to reply, ‘Velocity’ and keep walking. Alas no. No microphone is safe from the earnest emissions of a man possessed by the need to cover himself.

‘Well I told you we shudda sold ‘im back in June.’

Avergrumble and Twitch indeed. This guy is a good manager. And an excellent crisis manager. And perhaps that’s it in a nutshell. He realizes this and is hell bent on creating a crisis so that he might step in and mop all our fevered brows with his fabulous fire fighting skills. Who knows?

“I could sit here and say Luka was happy, that he was glad he didn’t go to Chelsea and get all that money and that he is much happier here now but I’d be talking rubbish.

“I don’t know how he feels. You’d have to ask him. If he told you the truth, I don’t know what he’d say but he’s here and he’s got to get on and play.

“I’d always been brought up with the belief that if people didn’t want to play for your club, you move them on and bring in someone who does want to play for you and I was of that opinion in the end.

“I thought that if Luka didn’t want to be here, we should take the £40million and all move on but I love him as a player. He is fantastic and now it is all done, I’m delighted he is still here.”

Arry, here’s a tip from (believe it or not someone who thinks you’ve done good works here…

Shut up and remember where you are. You’re dealing with intellectually sharp people not only as fans but also on the THFC board. Not ‘idiots’, some snoring old duffer of a chairman or some on the run Bond villain. 

It is extraordinary that you are still peddling this sympathy hug schtick for a contracted employee. Spare all of us this garbled home spun East End rubbish about ‘turned heads’ and get yourself familiar not only with contract law but a process you seem to become spectacularly unfamiliar with of late called, ‘acting like a naffing grown up.’

If it goes wrong here – an outcome by the way none of us seek – do you genuinely believe that this nonsense will somehow act as a safety net? Christ you must be thick.

Get on with managing a great club. A well run club and stop acting the damn goat.

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  • grittyspur says:

    I don’t know- if ‘Arry didn’t spout off like this from time to time what the feck else would we be doing on a perfectly good Friday night besides grousing about wot just came out the gaffer’s mouf!

    • Spurfect says:

      You’d rather have your club runs off the rails once more than not have big mouths bull the talkabout on a friday night!? I’d suggest you join blockbusters or go for a socialable pint or read a book sunshine. We’d talk about FOOTBALL and not our clown of a manager covering his rear end and eyeing up the next payday

  • Harry Redknapp says:

    I can assure you that I will not be sacked because of alleged tax dodging because Daniel knew about it before he hired me.

    As far as bookmakers suspending bets on me being sacked is concerned you should know that my strategy for making money is to lay the price, deny all rumours, and then back the increased price.

    Did you really think me and my family would put so much money on and risk being foiled by Arsenal or Blackburn?

    • Jay says:

      Sorry ‘Arry but you’ve upset the apple cart now and Blofeld isn’t happy and you’ll be for the high jump one way or another. Just ask Martin over at SW6.

      Oh has ‘Sparky’ been about trying to get in touch or every time you walk into Levy’s office he quickly hangs up in a hurried manner?

      And where exactly did you stand on the clubs summer transfer policies…oh yeah thats right in the Spurs Lodge car park

  • Harry Redknapp says:


    You think you know it all but there is no way “Blofeld”, as you put it, would have signed Adebayor and Parker if he meant to drop me into the pool of sharks with lasers on their heads.

    • melcyid says:

      Harry Im glad youve dropped talkshite tonight to let us idiots have a little of your insight on the behind the scenes shenanigans at our club,very kind of you guv.

    • Jay says:

      Adebayor – Deal struck via Levy and Man City, and quote ” Adebayor is not here to replace Crouch” … Erm isn’t he?!

      Parker – Sandra probably could of ‘Finalised’ that deal, we got him for a broken Bentley, packet of Hula Hoops and half a Curly Wurly (THUDD ate the other half) and Micky Hazard picked him up in his ‘Ackney Carriage.

      You are sinking faster than you luxury homes on the Sandbanks me ol’ mucker.

      And Levy would feed you to the sharks as you aren’t the super spy hero people thought you were, your just an expendable henchman

  • Astromesmo says:

    (To the ‘Our Tune’ music)

    Ah, what do you do when the love has gone? Poor HH & HR, pottering around the house but not really talking to each other. Silent at dinner. Working out how to kill the hours between Saturdays and what to do about the children.

    They tried the holiday in Europe but, while it briefly bought back the rush of 2 from 8 and a steady climb up the table, it was only papering over the cracks. The sad, painful truth is that the love was never there in the first place. HR just said the right things when HH wanted to hear them, but those same words that filled him with excitement back in those heady dogfight days just annoy him and fill him with loathing now.

    It all started when HR introduced HH to his friends in Milan & Madrid. They were so refined and sophisticated, HH felt his head was in a whirl. His pulse raced and he longed for the sound of their cosmopolitan streets. He asked to return but instead, HR gave him disappointing nights in Blackpool and a promise of maybe Russia or Poland in winter.

    When HH confronted HR, there were angry words and indignant talk of idiots and how it had never been so good… But the damage was done. Now, every sentence, every scratch & twitch is like a dagger to his heart.

    HR talked of dreams and plans but the loan of a friends fast car and buying an English property that’s seen better days speaks volumes for how long they both think it will last.

    It’s the children – Yago, Christian, Kyle, Souleymane and Harry (Named after them both), that you feel for. They are such bright talents but without their father figures they could so easily go astray.

    Who knows how it will end, but I’ll play their favourite record, ‘Diamond Lights’ and hope it brings them closer together, and maybe… Just maybe, they can reconcile and along with their rented Togolese car and reluctant Croatian driver they can enjoy the bright ‘Diamond Lights’ of Europe together again.

  • SPURSINCE82 says:

    rednap u r a c*** in wolves clothing!! now get that f****** formation sorted out for tomorrow and get off the f******* internet and sky/ bbc mediums … you are now being seen for what u really are, just like those that knew u said u would. Ps- you’re daughter in law can’t even look awake let alone switched on, on a sun morning show ffs all shes gotta o is read the card.. but like you u cku it all up. even though its all laid on !!!


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