
Arry Preparing Tottingham Exit

Image for Arry Preparing Tottingham Exit

Good evening all.

A considered question to those who might feel I’m giving Arry a rough ride. Name me another Premiership manager who so profusely publicly contradicts the decision and the will of his club’s board.

I continually kid myself I’m a balanced chap but striking a balance between Derek Nimmo and Don Logan (bad Ghandi) is a demanding role. And then I get this. 

He simply cannot help himself can he? Can we get get a quick word Aitch? Oh for the man’s ability to reply, ‘Velocity’ and keep walking. Alas no. No microphone is safe from the earnest emissions of a man possessed by the need to cover himself.

‘Well I told you we shudda sold ‘im back in June.’

Avergrumble and Twitch indeed. This guy is a good manager. And an excellent crisis manager. And perhaps that’s it in a nutshell. He realizes this and is hell bent on creating a crisis so that he might step in and mop all our fevered brows with his fabulous fire fighting skills. Who knows?

“I could sit here and say Luka was happy, that he was glad he didn’t go to Chelsea and get all that money and that he is much happier here now but I’d be talking rubbish.

“I don’t know how he feels. You’d have to ask him. If he told you the truth, I don’t know what he’d say but he’s here and he’s got to get on and play.

“I’d always been brought up with the belief that if people didn’t want to play for your club, you move them on and bring in someone who does want to play for you and I was of that opinion in the end.

“I thought that if Luka didn’t want to be here, we should take the £40million and all move on but I love him as a player. He is fantastic and now it is all done, I’m delighted he is still here.”

Arry, here’s a tip from (believe it or not someone who thinks you’ve done good works here…

Shut up and remember where you are. You’re dealing with intellectually sharp people not only as fans but also on the THFC board. Not ‘idiots’, some snoring old duffer of a chairman or some on the run Bond villain. 

It is extraordinary that you are still peddling this sympathy hug schtick for a contracted employee. Spare all of us this garbled home spun East End rubbish about ‘turned heads’ and get yourself familiar not only with contract law but a process you seem to become spectacularly unfamiliar with of late called, ‘acting like a naffing grown up.’

If it goes wrong here – an outcome by the way none of us seek – do you genuinely believe that this nonsense will somehow act as a safety net? Christ you must be thick.

Get on with managing a great club. A well run club and stop acting the damn goat.

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  • melcyid says:

    now go to bed as its far to late to be up spouting off to us idiots when you have a six pointer to worry about and tictacs to out think micmac.

  • TMWNN says:

    Looks like the HR fan club is rapidly diminishing.

    Very fickle. ;-)

  • Gum Slinger says:

    Mr Levy – who now appears to have taken on the mantle of DOF backed himself into a corner over Modric – who will go next summer anyway, probably in a ‘I’m not gonna be pushed around’ response for the humiliation and controversy of the divisive Stratford fiasco. Harry is a seasoned manager and knows a decent footballer and how to put a team together – but appears to have been sidelined by the chairman. He deserves England and should get it. We’ve played some great stuff these last few years and this “anti” feeling is just as pathetic and shit stirring as the gooners turning on Wenger.

    • n17yido says:

      how did levy back himself into a corner.he made a stance not to sell a player and stuck to it.

      • eastanglianspur says:

        He backed himself into a corner by not buying at least one top notch world class striker in the previous windows. Last summer should have seen one brought in. That indecision or failure to act cost us CL football. Modric having tasted CL football, not surprisingly, wanted CL football this season.

        Modric is not daft, he could easily see we’re a club of pretenders under Levy and as soon as a good offer came along he wanted out. I don’t blame Modric for any of this, I blame Levy, he’s the boss he sells and buys the players and his decisions are to blame for this mess – not Modric or trout chops.

        OK if we add in trout chops inability to man manage that has only exacerbated the situation and made it worse.

        • calebray says:

          fail to see how any of this is down to levys tight control of the club – to have that champions league run we had with our salary cap is the equivalent of a non league team winning the fa cup ;-) but to have him undermined in the press every two minutes cannot be argued. by his own manager.

        • TMWNN says:

          Last season was crying for that extra bit of funding.

          There’s no way it would have put us in the bother that Leeds got into (as some so pathetically argue), but there’s no doubt it would have required upping the wage level which would have had others asking for the same, and subsequently requiring ENIC to put their hand in their own pocket (i.e. speculating to accumulate), something they have no interest in.

          I’m not even going to bother entertaining the thought of getting back into the top 4 until we have ground large enough to self fund “top, top’s” and their wages.

          ENIC don’t risk anything, which is all very well stability wise, but hardly inline with club’s motto.

        • NN says:

          A terrible, underachieving, run of results at the end of the season cost us CL nothing else. One point from 6 against Blackpool, draws against WBA, Wet Spam, Wigan, Wolves and Newcastle. Agreed, we should have improved up top – but surely we had enough in the tank to have won half of the games against that lot? 9 draws at home over 19? Not good enough.

          For those mesmerised by the mediocrity of much of the 15 years before Jol, and those happy to stay still, then the CL run and the season before last are the height of the horizon and sufficient make-weights so that Harry remains the hero. For those with ambition and a wider appreciation of the size and potential of our club, going backwards or underachieving isn’t acceptable and cannot be swept under the carpet. For these people, coupled with his brain dead insistence on undermining his own club and its team spirit, Harry’s a goner and sooner the better.

          We will tread water at best until we appoint a manager who can take us forward. That is not to be ungrateful for much of the good Harry has done, he has improved us, noted and thanks go to him.

          You either want more or you don’t.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Once again you you say “World Class Striker”, and once again I ask you “Who?”. You never appear to take into account some really basic facts such as the lack of World Class Strikers, kicking their heels waiting for a DL to ring. We’re not in a position to pay over the odds like Chelsea or City, but that aside tell me who?

  • calebray says:

    Mr Redknapp – manage the club- do it instead of constantly rocking the boat and undermining your chairman to your mates in the press

    Dont worry im sure levy will let you leave when England come calling. Thats if you last that long and the fa still want you after how you constantly whore yourself in the media to the detriment of your club

    You have no idea how to conduct yourself with style, grace and integrity. We are spurs mate.not west ham or pissing chelsea. We might not look it at first glance but we have class sunshine.

    Get on with managing OUR club (not yours) and stop trying to sell modric, paving the way for the next excuse, having us linked with beckham on the back pages of every paper and whoring yourself to anybody that wants you.

    My bet is you now know you are out your depth and your are doing a karen brady. Its a shame – it really is – but if you keep that wobblegob of yours shut for just a few weeks, concentrate on what your players need from you, you might not feel so under pressure and alienated.

    Your a good manager – just stick to that and shut fackin up.

  • namingrights_available says:

    I can’t see Levy sacking Redknapp.

    I can imagine him being sold to TalkSport for ten million plus addons though.

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