
Kevin Bond’s Outburst At Scotty Parker

Image for Kevin Bond’s Outburst At Scotty Parker

Respec. Innit.

Proof that this blog blossoms purely upon the unhinged content of its troubled/gifted (delete as appropriate) readership was proved in the last  competition. I asked you – forgive me – naively suggest you email me your solutions as to the pixelated players and I get not one correct email but every possible comedy trio of random names imaginable.

‘Des O’Conner, Michael Barrymore & Liam Brady’ Aitch. Don’t worry about the tee shirt, just send a shoulder of Tesco Scotch.’

So here is today’s opportunity of a lifetime to win a tee that is actually outselling the Sepp Blagger one. The prize (not that many of you bar stewards care :-p )  is HERE.

What was Bondy saying? What was Scotty saying back? What where the others thinking? Oooh the pissabolities.

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  • topfour says:

    Ade: “But Boss, I was up for it….”
    KB: “Shut up Ade. Scott, that sort of behaviour is unacceptable on the pitch. Go and see ‘Arry,”

  • Gray Man says:

    “Oi Scot go wash Ade’s elephant, his Dad looks tired”

  • Jay says:

    Townsend: Sir, Sir, Mr Parker just slapped me!!

    Parker: I thought Lewis here had nicked me parking space, some muppets gone and parked their tricked out Tranist in it, don’t they know who I am?!

    Bond: Oi Scotty, don’t slap the boy Townsend he’s only a kid, he can’t help the fact he ALSO plays out on the wing and CAN’T cross a ball to save his career. And that Transits ‘Arrys, he just got back from his weekend booze cruise with Joe, now get your arse over there and have a look cos ‘Arrys picked up a load of Arntmani wallets CHEAP off Willy G’s brother

  • Spurrier says:

    It’s five a side and then a greasy lunch with extra ketchup, then more five a side, anymore talk of tactics and you are out!

  • Dawson4president says:

    Hey Scott look over there, ‘arry’s got You lunch


    The showers are that way son, We have a higher standard of hygiene here at spurs.

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