
Ultras At The Lane

Image for Ultras At The Lane

Gooda mornin’.

A special welcome to any Rover fans who might be dropping by in the next 24 hours. We trust you enjoy your stay and manage to resist the urge to hospitalize yourselves on our half price beer. 

Word from Arry Redschnapps is that this side will contain [and I quote] “seven or eight Internationals.” Well Arry if you can be bothered then what the heck, so can I. See you on Channel 5 my old son. 

So there is a distinct possibility of a football match breaking out this time around? We’ll have to wait and see. Super Roman Crazypavinchenko is likely to run out again and hopefully an Azza Blud/Krankie combo will dramatically improve his game.

He’s taken a few volleys of abuse of late. I’m convinced he’s a quality striker. That said I’m increasingly convinced he’s at the wrong club and perhaps in the wrong League. He’s not getting either the breaks or the time and if he scores 3 tonight it’ll be the old, …it was only against…

Dos Santos is another likely starter and given his sensational cameos in the Copa America, if he does naff all again his problem is straightforwardly Arry. A few booze hound tales and a snap of him collapsed in the Daily Mail and who wouldn’t believe he was a waster? But his performances  in the Summer were frequently breathtaking.


I’m Carlos Tevez and answering the iron was my idea.



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  • kojac says:

    why isn’t that rich russian club buying everyone in for pav,you’d think he would be useful back in the ussr,maybe levy is hoping for jan,

    it wwould be great if pav & giovani score lots of happy talk & man hugs all round before the scum rock up on sunday,god i hope we can put the scum away,it will be like hammering in one of the final nsils in the wenger era coffin


  • Billy Legit says:

    Alright, nuffs enough!

    All this GDS baiting is really starting to piss me off. The little maestro is quality, as shown by his performances both in the Copa and the World Cup.

    Strange he looks disinterested when he gets dumped from the 1st team and is told to put in a shift by our beloved ‘Dear Leader’ in a competition he himself repeatedly slags off. If Twichy (and some fans on this forum) don’t give a flying sh*t about the Europa, don’t slag off the players for having exactly the same attitude.

  • Ed says:

    good luck tonight for whomsoever is wearing the chicken badge!

    i shall be wearing mine and even tho it wasnt dirty i washed it jus like the label told me to!


  • Yachtsman says:


    With due respect, I’m not sure I like the term ‘chicken badge.’ How about ‘the fighting cock’? Good luck to whomsoever is wearing the fighting cock badge. I dunno. Seems stronger.

    With due respect…

  • Yachtsman says:

    The proud cock badge? The mighty cock badge. Perhaps that’s it. THE MIGHTY COCK BADGE. Yup.


    Go for it tonight lads. I wish I were at WHL.


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