
What’s The Difference Between Carlos Tevez & Luka Modric?

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Good morning.

You look at Carlos Tevez’s shenanigans last night and suddenly Modric’s chicken badge allergy seems almost reasonable. We all have our problems. Sure if your domestic life is fraught you are entitled to say that it’s effecting you, if it is. But the Missing Link was barely able suppress a smirk when interviewed after last night’s game.

Some just want to play. And preferably for your badge. Ledley King is one such crazy kid. Speaking to the Mail, he essentially said that he hoped to hit a minimum 20 games this season.

“But, I have to say, I don’t feel particularly great out there, in terms of sharpness and fitness. It has been like that for a long time.

Sometimes I feel like I am playing at 60 or 70 per cent.

You have to deal with the restrictions at times, and hopefully once I have played a certain number of games, everything else will come.”

Refreshingly honest. One thing with King is that he is such a rarity in the modern game he is frequently heavily indulged by fans and as genuine and heartfelt the cries of, ‘Long Live The King’ are I’m sure, he has only ever been at 60%+ for some time now.

You can argue and successfully so that his 60% is better than most players 110%, but the serious bit here – too frequently glossed over – is that having a revolving door policy at The Lane has been more than an influencing factor in our defense looking on occasion like an outtake from a 3 Stooges movie.

I would strip back the opportunities given to King and literally wheel him out for the big games or when we have no obvious choice in the matter. We need as a Club to think about the future and a solid back four that play together just about week in, week out –  as I am sure your daddy told you – is the bedrock of any serious football team.

Elsewhere you may recall that we learned that Azza Blud had been hiding out in Lego Land Windsor. News just in this morning that zoo keepers using a diamond encrusted MP3 player as bait, captured the electric heeled winger in a giant butterfly net. As a result, he is expected to face the Celtic hoards that are Shamrock Rovers on Thursday night.

And so back to Modders and the first of gawd knows how many articles in stating that a one million percent pay rise is on the cards. No point in whining, no point at all. It’s ironic that a player with loyalty is crocked and the one who’s as fit as fiddle wants to hold us to ransom.

Someone else will buy Carlos Tevez, just as someone else will take your horrifically priced seat should decide to boycott. All you need to remember as the flames of hell begin to take the chill from your bones …is that there’s always room for one more in the handcart. 

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  • TmmyHarmer says:

    Apart, Harry, from this being a rambling piece of inconsequentiality, what is wrong with Modric wanting more money, and would you not be slightly thrown by such an offer from the snivelling Rusky? The situation is slightly sad for us to think about, but what we have to be grateful for is that he HAS got his head back together, clearly enjoys his teammates, and looks likely to accept the pay rise. What more is there to say …… anyone else in the team, probably even Led, would have had his head turned by the same situation, and it is simply the sad central issue in the modern game.

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    I know that it has been said so many times before but it is remarkable just how good Ledley is. At only 60/70 per cent he is still the best central defender in England. Undoubtedly the 2nd best player I have seen at WHL in my time as a Spur. He in my opinion only surpassed by the legendary Dave Mackay. Ledley is absolutely that good !!!!
    Hoddle of course would be 3rd.

  • gilbo says:

    what we don’t sing:

    Ledley, Ledley,
    He’s only got one knee,
    He’s better than that c*nt terry
    Oh Ledley, Ledley.

  • Essexian76 says:

    How many fans actually believe their to blame for this current state of affairs. I cannot believe there’s any chairman who wants to buy any player for stupid money and on ridiculous wages. They do so because of fan pressure and no other reason. Look at this past transfer window and recall many of the posts. Some were suggesting we buy without first selling or getting rid. Getting rid, as though we’re referring to a few bob, whereas the reality of millions seems to go over many fans heads.There were posts about getting so and so for 35 million, plus wages mind. Damned and blast the XBox and FA fantasy football!

    • bringontheclowns says:

      Yep Essex,you’ve hit the nail on head.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      “They do so because of fan pressure and no other reason.”

      Rubbish. They do so because they know they have no other option if they want their club to perform at the highest level and pull in the punters.

      In Levy’s case he’s looking to sell so he needs to make THFC a global brand like the Manures.

      “Some were suggesting we buy without first selling or getting rid.”

      That’s because it was late August and the getting rid had not been done because Levy had been sitting on his hands through the summer and when not sitting on his hands, fucking about with the Olympic Stadium.

      • Essexian76 says:

        I know your memory is a little hazy, but I’ll remind you that Abramovic wanted to buy Spurs before dealing with Bates. Levy(ENIC) didn’t even meet him, so where do you conjure thatup from!

        • Essexian76 says:

          Secondly ‘getting rid’ was wholly reliant on other clubs (Villa Stoke) getting players out of desperation, I.E.Last minute panic buys, we had no option but to use this window to consildate, simple logic really..oh,perhaps not!

        • eastanglianspur says:

          Not enough dosh for Levy old fruit. :lol: He wants more than £250 Mil.

      • Essexian76 says:

        You keep lining them up, I’ll keep knocking ’em down, old fruit!

      • Essexian76 says:

        He bought Chelsea for 500 million, facts again, good grief you’re useless at this guessing game marlarky,arent you?-over to you!

        • Essexian76 says:

          September 26th, 2011 at 8:26 pm

          In closing look up that word I asked you to on so many previous occasions which is BIGOT. Now a bigot is someone who still holds a view or opinion despite overwhelming facts and evidence to the contrary. If you consider me arrogant, I’ve no problem, however, I don’t consider you at all, BFN!

          eastanglianspur Reply:
          September 27th, 2011 at 7:09 am

          Your only evidence is statistics nothing else. There are lies, damnable lies and then there are statistics. Which means they can be twisted and perverted to make any fucking argument you want. Have you secured that government post yet. What a great politician you would make. Give me bigotry any day. Let’s face it, it’s so politically incorrect and I love being that.

  • forhodssake says:

    Ledley is a gent and a great player but he has never been put to the ultimate test.

    In answer to the title queestion:

    1. Tevez has history of being a big headed mercenary etc, whereas Modric has always been ‘good as gold’

    2. Tevez is already on 3/4/5 times what Modric earns – lets be honest he would probably have gone in the summer if anyone could have afforded his wages/transfer fee and could handle his ego.

    3. Credit where its due – Harry has repeatedly told Modric (and the world) how much we value him, what a great guy he is, how his teammates love him, how he is worth a pay rise, etc and has played him whenever possible.

    Mancini has sat his player of the season last year on the bench, making the situation worse. He isnt a very good man manager, which you really need to be when dealing with some of the best/most expensive/highly paid players in the world. Its a difficult job but he has failed spectacularly with Tevez, Ade, Bellamy, etc and is probably going to get his club a bad reputation as well as costing them millions in wasted transfer fees, salaries etc.

    They can afford it but its a pretty idiotic thing to do – at least Harry always says publicly that players are valued (he even said this summer that Keane was welcome to stay and fight for a place).

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