
What’s With The VdV Hate?

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Yesterday the news filtered out that Raphael Van der Vaart had been fast tracked on the old mendy mendy by Marjoe Von Toorn.

Now, not just on here but across the Internet there was resounding response somewhere between ‘so what?’ and ‘so what’s the good news?’

I won’t say I was shocked, sometimes even the most devoutly intelligent football fans get ‘footballed out’ and after another messiah free transfer window and an Interlull, it was always possible this news might get a somewhat muted response.

But has the shine really gone off the flying Dutchman that much?  He irritated the hell out of me in the Yanited game, but I put that down to Arry telling him he had a choice, he could hoof it to Pete or go for gold against the Manc man child.

Van der Vaart was a revelation last season. He was bloody excellent in the main, passing, scoring and kissing little old ladies on the nut like nobody’s business.

Now he seems to be viewed by a good many as a liability. Can any one explain why we don’t need him anymore?

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  • Hartley says:

    Van Der Vaart is class, Arry Redknapp doesn’t recognise class and has very rarely worked with it, therefore until we get shut of the clown with the frown we will not see the very best of the Dutch maestro…

  • adebayor de man says:

    Has anyone come out with a new song for adebayor yet? I don’t think the old song is much inspiring.

  • Rommy says:

    I think the main problem is the fact we play two fast traditional wingers. VDV has been brilliant for us but I am not convinced he works well with the winger system. Say for instance if we went 4312, with sandro, parker and Bale with vdv behind the two strikers, you would have ade holding then releasing Defoe or vdv running off him. V difficult for defence to pick up.

    • Hartley says:

      I agree, Lennon is no longer effective from the outset and should now be only used as an (hopefully) effective substitute. His pace would be far more useful on the break when brought on during the later stages of games if and when we are leading.

      • Plod says:

        2 games and a player is on the scrapheap, amazingly daft.

        Pace is needed on the counter attack the whole game not just the closing stages. If you take pace off one wing then we become a lot easier to defend against and it will be easier to double mark Bale nulling any threat we pose at all.

        Take pace out of our game and we will finish 8th or 9th. In today’s game pace is vital and we should continue to harness it. He made a mistake not passing to VDV when he had ages to do so but against a weak Hearts he also played a brilliant first time ball into Defoe to score.

        • Hartley says:

          It’s not 2 games though is it? Lennon has been flattering to deceive since the Jol era…Pace is fine when you have an end product, Lennon very rarely does…Let us see how he plays with our new striker but I won’t hold my breath.

      • chop the deadwood says:

        Lennon is no longer effective from the outset and should now be only used as an (hopefully) effective substitute – you clown!

    • Essexian76 says:

      That’s a fair point, but it’s also the real root of the problem. We don’t have a leader on the field and we don’t have a manager who can actually change things if plan A goes the shape of a pear. Personally I think most of our problems stem from poor coaching and bad tactics, yet we’re two games in and a point down on the two we’ve played so far, bearing in mind we’ve got injuries in key positions, so there are mitigating circumstances to be considered also.

  • ufluckingplick says:

    Yep 2 games in and

    1.Not going to win the league
    2.Not finishing in the top 4
    3.Will be mid table
    4.In fact will be relegated
    5.Bale will break a leg against England
    6.Modders will ask to go to chelski…again
    7.Adrian Bayor will be told by Arry to run around a bit!
    8. VDV will not score enough goals because overnight he has become pants and was only Jenas in disguise
    9,That nasty man Daniel didn’t let Arry play with the club chequebook…

    Is that enough for all the doom & gloom merchants amongst you! If you want to moan be constructive if not sod off and become a gooner (they have real problems)

    Apologises ‘H’ for the rant but sometimes I swear we could win the league and some of your readers would say ‘not by enough points or we didn’t score enough goals’

  • CLaw says:

    People are just frustrated in general with our delayed start to the season and then poor results against the Mancs. Just have to accept that their spending power puts them on a different plane, we can’t really compete.

    Personally, I’d play VDV in a formation like this:

    GK (don’t care which)
    Walker – Daws – King/Gallas – BAE
    Parker/Sandro – Modric
    Defoe – Barndor – Bale

    Am sure Defoe can play off the right and he’s prepared to track back and do his bit. Good protection for the back 4 too and should be quite a (hate to use the word) fluid system.

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