
Frimpong Ping Pong As Arsenal Star Branded ‘A Ponce’ By Harry Hotspur

Image for Frimpong Ping Pong As Arsenal Star Branded ‘A Ponce’ By Harry Hotspur

Good evening fight fans.

It has come to my attention that some bloke who has occasionally been seen in a first team shirt from one of the nation’s least sporting football teams, namely Arsenal aka the Woolwich Wanderers has been acting like a full blown ponce on live TV.

When interviewed on Soccer AM this morning, Frimpong the Arsenal star apparently said: “Tottenham play like girls’ football.”

This must come as another embarrassing blow to Arsenal football fans globally who in all fairness have faced a mountain to climb in Premiership terms after their gormless manager and seemingly disinterested board flogged off the club’s two best players.  Both chaps understandably wanted out this season, whilst still ambitious and young.

And embarrassing of course for not only his grammar wot is probably dead dench among looters, but also in light of the fact the recent NorfLandinDarby™ was but another nail in the Emptycrates coffin.

Why do they bother?

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  • Jaja says:

    Ouch…u guys relax. He’s just a kid…but come to think of it, your 50 yes of football has only yielded a half cup…ouch. Even the Arsenal girls team has won more than that!

    • :-) says:

      Can any of these morons spell?

      In our 50 ‘yes’ of football? wtf does that mean gimp?

      You mean the last 50 years has yielded just half a cup for Spurs? Now thats not accurate is it.

      Ironic you talk of winning things…..when did the woolwich wanderers last win something themselves exactly?

      And half cups? Is this the same half cup you did everything to win last season, yet as usual made complete titts of yourselves on cup final day.

      God that was hilarious!

      Always good for a laugh at old arsanal :)

  • Benson says:

    Dear C*nt (Frimpong, HH not you),

    Using “girl’s football” as an insult? Try looking at your own club’s “girl’s team” it knows how to win trophies unlike the 25 bottling fairies that have played in red for the last 6 years. Sorry that we sent out the 11 “girls” last week rather than the 11 men we usually do but after seeing how you’ve been mugged off by every club you’ve played except for Bolton this season we felt sorry for you. If your bunch of two bob (thanks Clive) c*nts can’t take our token of goodwill seriously enough to take 3 points that’s your problem not ours.

    Regards Benson

    PS: Sandro may have silly hair but you look like someone just laid pipe on your bonce.

  • melcyid says:

    As sid trotter would probably say

    ying tong frimpong ,ying tong frimpong,ying tong piddle I po

  • melcyid says:

    Theres ugly then theres frimpong.

  • Edspur says:

    Does anyone know what a Frimpong is? Is it like quim pong?

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