
Gout Inspection In Next 24hrs

Image for Gout Inspection In Next 24hrs

Good afternoon.

Our old enemy confronts us again. Our squad for the old Bar Codes on Sunday may be heavily depleted. Word is that Adebayor, Sandro, Van der Vaart, Charlie and Krankie are all subject to last minute inflammation inspections.

Add to this Les Dawson, Billy Gallas an Dances With Scones who have no return date plus Azza Blud who appears to permanently ‘a bit gouty’ and we are close to a ‘bare bones’ speech from talkSPORT’s number one correspondent.

A plethora of absentees. Which for word fans not only means ‘a lot’ but as an archaic medical term refers to a morbid condition due to an excess of red corpuscles in the blood. 


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  • david says:

    We often get this bare bones malarkey from HR a few days before a game.
    Suspect and hope most of those that matter will turn up for Sundays game.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      Well spotted sir. :daumen:

    • essexian76 says:

      Perhaps (just a thought for consideration), that it equally puts the opposition plans into a spin, as if they’re uncertain of who’s playing and where, then their pre-match tactic’s may also have to wait until the line- ups are announced and confirmed?

      • eastanglianspur says:

        Spin here being the operative word I presume. As for tactics I will agree the opposing managers do have some idea. :lol:

  • eastanglianspur says:

    Rooney, as I thought would happen, is banned for three matches. England is in with a chance. :whistle:

    • Billy Legit says:

      Bloody foreigners conspiring against our brave English heroes again…….should send NATO in to give them a sound thrashing…….that’ll teach them a lesson they won’t forget! :whistle:

  • essexian76 says:

    Troutie’s Goutie’s it is then?

  • Alspur says:

    Funny how, last week I was full of confidence that we could pull off a 3 pointer up at (the resurgent) Barcode Centrale…

    …the news that Ade & Sandro may not be fit has caused my optimism to evaporate… which just goes to prove (in my mind) how paper-thin the squad really is, especially up front…


    • Billy Legit says:

      Could all be a ruse manufactured by Twichy to give the Brown Ale mob a false sense of confidence.

      Hope so, or we could be in for a torrid afternoon, coz the Brown Ale’s may not be setting the world on fire but they’re organised, disciplined, consistent and getting results (the table never lies).

      We may have to grind our way out of this one if the sick-list doesn’t improve.

    • cc says:

      We’ll be fine I think. Ade is a bog loss but probably Sandro will make it, just one of those post lay off niggles which can be recovered in time but there is always Livermore if not, there is a grind out a result with 5 in the middle plus a dwarf up top vibe from what Bond said, probably Defoe doing the scampering with the return of the wingers backing him up, maybe even a free and central Luka too. So a win I expect, but it might be less fun than Sky had in mind when they booked it, then again with Spurs you never know…

      • cc says:

        bog loss? wtf dude!

        • eastanglianspur says:

          Typo orrer perhaps? :daumen:

        • cc says:

          Just daftness ;)

          I see Pardew is trying the charm offensive:
          ‘this weekend will undoubtedly be the most stern test we have faced yet this season – Alan Pardew equally under no illusions, commenting: “It sets us up for a real blue-riband game with Spurs who are far superior to us individually. They have top international players. But we’re a decent team, and we’ll get a gauge of how good a team we are…”.’

        • eastanglianspur says:

          Looks like he’s doing a Trout Chops on us in telling us how great we are. Notice how he didn’t say what a great job Trout Chops is doing. Would that have been stretching it a bit too far? :shifty:

  • AFelching says:

    Galloping knob rot is the proper prognosis :daumen:

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