
Is John Terry Really A Racist Pig Dog?

Image for Is John Terry Really A Racist Pig Dog?

Good afternoon.

Life is full of uncertainties. That sounds an awful lot like an intro line from one of those insurance adverts. Perhaps subliminally implanted in my brain by unrelenting exposure to really awful telly.  But in this life there can be little doubt about the ‘Terry gene.’

Son of a convicted charlie pusher – now born again football agent – husband and son in law to caution accepting shoplifters and most gut wrenching of all, brother to a quite possibly even more abhorrent version of himself. John Terry’s brother Paul Terry had a casual affair with his Rushden & Diamonds team mate Dale Roberts’ wife Lindsay Cowan. The discovery of which drove Roberts to hang himself last year.

The video footage of John Terry’s verbal volley to Anton Ferdinand has largely been removed from the Internet in what can only be described as an online  ‘scorched earth policy.’  The Grauniad’s slo mo clip remains here and one has to ask if it was ‘overlooked’ as crucial frames are obscured by Ashley Cole’s head. Not the first time one might imagine that phrase has been used.

Terry was previously accused of  making a racist remark in ‘that’ incident involving our very own Ledley King. On that occasion, Terry was rumoured to have told King, ‘Shut up you lippy black monkey.’ But it wasn’t the avalanche of self appointed lip reading experts that triggered the outrage, but the response of Tottenham’s coloured players.

King, Zokora and Chimbonda all went bonkers. Didier Drogba who has endless form for sticking his oar in to any ‘incident’ declined a gilt edged opportunity to get involved. Terry himself was given a red for the element of the incident that was to do with actual play, but curiously skulked off unusually quietly for an man that ordinarily screams when a throw in is awarded that he disagrees with.

On both occasions, Terry has issued swift statements that sought to gloss over the incidents. Lots of ‘Nah, you got it all wrong mate, we’ve been mates since we was kids. Nuffink in it, bruv.’ To the best of my knowledge King has yet to comment. To the best of my knowledge, Ferdinand has yet to comment.

If  John Terry is not a racist pig dog then what incredibly bad cards this upright, decent chap is being dealt.

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  • Ozspur says:

    Hold on a minute. My auntie is a pig dog and I don’t think she’d like to be associated with John Terry

  • swedish love spurs says:

    Is JT racist?
    If it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
    Duck,OOERR!sounds almost exactly like F—!

  • KevtheRev says:

    Terry, is one of a very few who are natural leaders in the England dressing room, he can make a good team better and he is passionately committed to St George. However this really is an embarrassment too far. He has talent but these gifts cannot be placed above the game. The game is more important than Terry. He can’t change, he has no motivation and behaviour is learnt, he has no reason to be taught. He is now an old dog who sadly cannot learn new tricks.

  • bullers says:

    Well its a good job then that Wayne bridges ex missus wasn’t black then was it? We’d be having a field day. Oh feck, we already are.

  • KevtheRev says:

    Terry, is one of a very few who are natural leaders in the England dressing room, he can make a good team better and he is passionately committed to St George. However this really is an embarrassment too far. He has talent but these gifts cannot be placed above the game. The game is more important than Terry. He can’t change, he has no motivation, behaviour is learnt, he has no reason to be taught. He is now an old dog who sadly cannot learn new tricks

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