
Marital Aids Salesmen Evicted

Image for Marital Aids Salesmen Evicted

Good morning.

There will be a raft of brain surgeons expecting me to be beaming from ear to ear at the news that the Olympic Stadium is back on the market. They are spot on. It’s great news.

The West Ham deal has collapsed under the strain of all that was so very grubby about it. Newham council’s feet became colder than a well diggers ass and they have bailed on the Porn Barons.

Whilst it would have made my millennium to know West Ham were playing Championship football in front of twelve and a half thousand unwashed Charlies in their finest Primark garb, the grim financial nightmare that now awaits them as they remain at Upton Park will actually be far funnier.

Sports Minister Hugh Robertson has  announced:

“The key point is the action we have taken today is about removing the uncertainty. The process had become bogged down in legal paralysis.

“Particularly relevant has been the anonymous complaint to the EC over ‘state aid’ and the OPLC received a letter from Newham Council yesterday saying because of the uncertainty they no longer wanted to proceed. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back and we thought it better to stop it dead in it tracks now.

“We know there is huge interest in the stadium out there from private operators and football clubs and crucially we remove any uncertainty.”

“This is not a white elephant stadium where no one wants it, we have had two big clubs (West Ham and Tottenham) fighting tooth and nail to get it.

“The new process will be more like how Manchester City took over the Commonwealth Games stadium which is regarded as a leading example of how to do it.”

What depressed me about this whole process was the brutally thick nature of many Tottenham fans. Banging on and on about the running track. At no time have THFC even remotely considered playing with a running track between the team and the fans.

Some actually bemoaned the legal challenge as it was ‘wasting time and money that could be better spent on securing the services of  striker.’ Please. Grow a brain.

I was even blasted for supporting an idea that would guarantee we could genuinely compete, but the love of litter, nail & wig bars and Chick King offers pulled at the heart strings of many.

The THFC bid has always been about a zero landfill recycling of the existing site into a state of the art stadium and that is what scuppered it for the unchecked egos involved, hello Lord Sebastian Coe, I mean you. These narcissists couldn’t cope with the shrine cast in their image being casually knocked down.

They want to be remembered for their pluck, their audacious delivery of an Olympic games in the nation’s capital. Nothing showy you understand, just a small plaque unveiled by the Queen so every young athlete in the country knows for ever who to thank.


What is left of course is a White Elephant to beat all white elephants. A venue hopefully perfect for athletics but unfit for purpose as a top notch football stadium. 

The West Ham bid was no more than a highly polished begging bowl. The Porn Barons would still agree to play there if there was a long jump pitch in the centre circle. Their operations at Upton Park were a non starter.

Beneath an ‘Under New Management’ banner borrowed from a recently shut down local restaurant they banged a jingoistic drum with sinister references to the nationality of the club and it’s supporters.  Sadly their specter of Evil Johnnie foreigners pouring squillions of filthy foreign dosh into a football club suddenly looked quite attractive when compared to a pair of iffy looking Sex Industry magnates trying to flog season tickets for 99p.

Then along came the Olympic Stadium and with a member of the OPLC publicaly acknowledged as having been on the pay roll of West Ham… The bidding process was a clean sweep in favour of Gold & Sullivan. They were so happy, they actually began celebrating the night before.

And so now what? Well Tottenham are in a ridiculously excellent position. They will presumably re-enter the new process knowing that they are significantly closer to being able to pursue to NPD which is everyone’s first choice.

West Ham are left well and truly in the lurch. 

The stalking horse here is Orient. I hope the O’s come out of this not only unscathed but perhaps, slightly ahead. Barry Hearn I do not know, but he strikes me as an honourable type.  I wish him well.

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  • Fatfish says:

    Was listening to my tranny this morning, someone said that (Hugh Robertson, I think) it would be leased back to the winning bidder (WHUFC) at about £2m per month. That’s about £3m a month less than what the actual cost. Who will be paying for the difference? (waves back at self & all HH viewers as taxpayers).

    10 years on and it will be up for sale to the highest bidder as there will be no public money left to pay the difference.

  • spurious supporter says:

    Nice work Harry.
    I understand that a vacant lot will soon be available at a former scrap-yard in Basildon that has traditional links with wet spam’s fan base. If they circle the wagons, it’ll make a stadium fit for a king……………of the gypsies.

    • Westbelfastyid says:

      Loving ur work

      • Bruxie says:

        Gypsies and Priests? (See Westbelfast below.)

        You two have an agenda. You’d do well together. But not at my club.

        • essexian76 says:

          Built by Government… rented by the social, how bloody ironic?

        • Hartley says:

          Nanny state… ;-)

        • spurious supporter says:

          Sorry Bruxie, I don’t have an agenda, but I have an old train timetable if that’ll help. :hae:

          Perhaps your confusing me with fatfish whose radio appears to have some agenda reassignment issues. :dizzy2:

        • Bruxie says:

          You don’t do yourself any favours in replying as you do.

          You talk about Gypsies in derogatory terms.
          So did Hitler.

          Travellers in Basildon? Not Gypsies.

        • essexian76 says:

          They’re ‘Statics’ actually

        • Bruxie says:

          And you are just being “from Essex”.

        • spurious supporter says:

          You do yourself no favours in finding offence where none was offered or exists. I’ve talked about nobody in derogatory terms. In comparing me to Hitler, you come across as a ‘politically correct’ idiot. I’m usually impressed with your posts, but on this you are wide of the mark, over sensitive and rather prissy, oh and last time I looked it wasn’t your club.

        • Bruxie says:

          Comparing you with Hitler? No.

          Hitler talked in derogatory terms about all sorts of people. Not just Gypsies.

          You have jumped onto that as a means of defence.

          Feel free. You are not going to change my mind that you post ill-advised terms and remarks.

          Nobody usually challenges “stuff” on here – except HH and a few others … but I do and will continue to do so.

          You were wrong to do so.

      • essexian76 says:

        Well of course I am, the clues in the title, but also a ratepayer who’s money is paying to towards this other botched up set of ‘circumstance’. Perhaps If I and many others hadn’t for past ten years, it would’ve been sorted out earlier..or maybe you’d have to live here to experience it, eh?

        • Bruxie says:

          Both Spurious and Essexian76 have rather selective and convenient memories and standard excuses for a little bigotry.

          Travellers are not Gypsies. Gypsies form a race of Romana peoples etc

          You compare them with WHU fans. Derogatory.

          The travellers in Dale Farm or “statics” as you have called them, have broken planning laws and are due to be moved on.

          They are predominantly Irish and have bought most of a town in Ireland to supplement their existence.

          Tell me how I am being politically correct – when in fact I am merely CORRECT.

        • Bruxie says:

          By the way the £18m due to be spent on eviction is a national burden – not just an example of local tax collecting.

        • essexian76 says:

          Bruxie, I couldn’t give a rats about Hitler Goering or Montgomery for that matter, and as for the eviction or lack thereof, that’s not my point, my point is that if I’d illegally occupied a site and not paid my dues for ten years I’d be imprisoned, or will you dispute that? And who do you think is paying for the schools, hospitals, roads etc inc plus water and electricity (all free of charge) and other amenities currently being utilised by these unwelcome guests of ours? but this is a footie blog not a history lesson or comment on the social ills our society yields, well, I thought it was anyway!

        • spurious supporter says:

          “During its 76th session in February 2010, CERD considered the impending eviction of an Irish and Romani Traveller community from Dale Farm in Essex.”
          Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD):
          “In July 2011, the eviction of the site was the subject of the BBC television documentary entitled The Big Gypsy Eviction”
          I’m not alone it seems in believing that there were/are gypsies on the site.

          I did not compare them with WHU fans and agree that this would be derogatory. I wrote “I understand that a vacant lot will soon be available at a former scrap-yard in Basildon that has traditional links with wet spam’s fan base” inferring that there are links between wet spam and scrap dealers/Basildon or the residents.

          My comment regarding gypsies; “If they circle the wagons, it’ll make a stadium fit for a king……………of the gypsies.” infers that the king of the gypsies might have lower expectations than the king of a country. So I may have insulted the king of the gypsies, I doubt it. If he wants to get in touch, I’ll apologise.
          You claiming offence and comparing me to Hitler for the above is politically correct and INCORRECT. The bigotry is yours.

      • Bruxie says:

        Wriggle Wriggle.

        Good work. But you were still less than respectful.

        And As I said… Change the word Gypsies for Jews in your post and you get my meaning.

        Your ally essexian is really letting the side down.

        • spurious supporter says:

          I’m less than respectful about many things, few of them result in being compared to Hitler. As said, it doesn’t work if you exchange the races, since the king of the Gypsies is not a position of the same status, which is what makes it work.
          I may be glib, disrespectful and insensitive, but you need to be a little less precious.
          Essexian is a big guy who can fight his own battles, just as I’ll fight mine.

        • essexian76 says:

          Who’s wriggling-only you mate-Whats a wheel when it’s stopped turning? fifth time-stop running awayeh? and answer the question-your balls are in my palm and I ain’t stopping the squeeze till you answer the flippin’ question!

    • col says:

      Nice thought West Ham United playing in the Ryman league at the Dale farm stadium.They wont have to do much work as the judge said some of the walls,fences and gravel tracks must remain.Plenty of room for their pikey caravans so the munters can fall out of bed and watch their crummy team play fuzball.However not sure how the slapper Brady would look in pink or if anyone would think she had brightened the day up.Oh what a wonderful day oh what a wonderful feeling everythings going our way.Sing up Brady who,s got the stadium you old trout hahahahahahahaha.

  • Westbelfastyid says:

    Loving this,o to see bradys face this morning would have been nice,The boardroom wag had this coming,that goon slut is one ugly vile pace of shit and this has put a spring in my step this morning.As for the pikes well this very site was overrun with the cnuts when they”won” the race for the o/s well if your back ha ha ha,don’t forget to keep up with your rent dickheads

    • LosLorenzo says:

      You’re wrong.

      Seeing Brady’s face is never nice. :freu

    • col says:

      Wonder if Brady and the Dildo duo can claim housing benefit to pay the rent on the Olympic stadium.Newham council would look favourably on their application form,tacky tart living with old geezers her kids call uncles could swing it.In the restaurant the board dining on frozen chips,pizza and chicken dippers with a particularly fine cider,really classy.

  • Bruxie says:

    To tell you the truth, I was never worried about Stratford.

    The whole exercise was shambolic.

    The State aid business was a no brainer for those familiar with such bureaucracy.

    It wasn’t me who wrote to the EC – who control these things – but I wish it had been.
    A £40 million quid loan from a hard-up local authority – which wasn’t offered to all bidders – is the crux of the issue.

    It baffles me that the legal minds involved pissed about with this for so long. And that includes High Court judges who “advised” ‘Spurs not to pursue the matter through appeal!

    I’m all fo accountability in these matters and would hope that the sports minister demands an independant enquiry into the quality of judicial decisions around this procurement.

    Spammers could be due a refund of legal expenses for bad advice. I would certainly put in a claim against their so-called expert advisers. State aid is a huge issue and how their lawyers missed this is incompetence personified.

    Certainly, I believe ‘Spurs could quite legitimately claim compensation for all bid expenditure incurred.

    The fact that the sports minister, Newham and Legacy have admitted the scheme is a no-goer shouts out that there is jiggerypokery and/or State aid contravention going on.

    Get stuck in Daniel.

    Remember compensation is usually greater than a refund of costs.

    So those yelling for a striker or an additional £10m towards NPD should stand back and watch Daniel do what he does best…

    Looks after ‘Spurs.

    • toddspur says:

      great post Bruxie

      If I was a betting man I’d have a tenner on a Orient and Wet Spam stadium share. Hearn will make sure Spam pay a higher proportinate rent as they reside in a higher league…………….WTF am I saying; they will both be in the same division by the time this is all done and dusted

      In Levy we trust

      • Bruxie says:

        Seems the logical solution.

        The FA (n.b. not the PL!!) will produce a fixture list to assist them, I’m sure.

        Barry Hearn will get his compensation too.

      • Astromesmo says:

        WTF am I saying; they will both be in the same division by the time this is all done and dusted

        :-D :-D :-D

  • mus says:

    what is the white elephant make?

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