
Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Image for Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Good morning. 

Late last night I received a phone call from from a withheld number. Here is a brief transcript as best as I can recall it. 

HH: Hello Manny’s World Of Erotica how can I help?

Voice: Mr Harry?

HH: Dad?

Voice: No Dad. It is me.

HH: Who me?

Voice: No. no you it is me.

HH: Who’s on first?

Voice: No like Abbott & Costello.

HH: Luka?

Voice: Mr Harry I need you help.

HH: If this is about that tee shirt money…

Voice: What tee shirts?

HH: Sorry, different Luka. How is your chicken badge allergy?

Voice: Better, but I still a speech pattern like Chico Marx.

HH: No good?

Voice: No bad.

HH: So what’s occuring?

Voice: No like Daily Mail.

HH: Nobody like Daily Mail. I mean nobody likes the likes the Daily Mail.

Voice: Daily Mail full of chicken poo.

HH: Guano.

Voice: I am go on. You interrupt.

HH: They don’t have a source?

Voice: No source. Daily Mail chicken poo. I like Tottingham training.

HH: So it’s not old fashioned?

Voice: In Croatia we have sheep head in bag for ball. Turnip for cones.

HH: Beckham trained at Spurs didn’t he?

Voice: I am married.

HH: Eh?

Voice: Not my type anyway.

HH: I was saying Beckham trained there so it must be decent…

Voice: No indecent. I always wear truss to stop raunchy time mistakes.

HH: So you are happy at Tottingham.

Voice: What you hear?

HH: Listen I have to go. 

Voice: I have to go too. Where are you? We go together.

HH: Goodbye and good luck.

*dial tone*

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  • TMWNN says:

    Probably a fair result, but surrendering the lead twice has pissed me off.

    Kaboul played the best, the rest were very mediocre. Defoe is fucking infuriating.

  • Hartley says:

    2 points lost…

    • essexian76 says:

      Yep, got to agree, I thought it was there for the taking and with a little more thought could’ve rapped it up before they scored (against the run of play).Bale was bloody annoying though, but hey ho an away draw against a form team isn’t too shabby and at the end of the day, I’m not a sick as a parrot in a game that was really of two halves

  • Dutchman says:

    Lucky with a point in the end…

  • Mute 'Arry says:

    Three points lost to a mediocre NUFC, we are back to our old sh*t, not able to convert the chances that present themselves, our backline at sixes and sevens (when King went off), Bale was non-existent and Pav will always be a lazy heap of sh*t. Arry sort it out you twichy twat!

  • Cptcaveman says:

    WOW, what it is to be a Spurs fan…and what a bunch of moany twats you lot are. So, 2-2 it was, we played crap and still took a point of the barcodes..more than we’ve done in the past. Cant believe how easy it is to get on HR’s back sometimes. We beat Liverpool and Arsenal and you find some way to moan and have a dig ar HR and Levy…we draw a game in which we played crap, and still you moan. The fact is, we’re 6th in the league with a home game in hand….its a good position to be in!!

    • TMWNN says:

      Why don’t you just enjoy if you’re so happy with it?
      Why do you feel you have to come on here and start calling people names?

      • essexian76 says:

        Easy Tiger,The Capt hasn’t called anyone names, all he’s said is what he’s thinking, which is pretty much the whole point of these reply buttons i thought. As for throwing away a lead twice, you give no credit to Newcastle, who are after all unbeaten and above us in the league. To expect other teams to lay down and roll over is simply naive or just plain silly at best, and as for your opinion regarding Defoe, well, it’s simply incredulous. The guy comes on and does more in a few minutes than Rafa did the entire time he played, yet you’re so bigoted that according to you he ‘irritated’ you! Bale was ‘irritating’, Parker hoofed when a measured pass out would’ve been better and their 2nd goal arrived from that very clearance. Modric’s ‘tackle’ would’ve prevented their 1st, but it’s football, a sport, and shit happens-there is no science and everyone’s entitled to an opinion, it just happens some may differ from yours-I know mine do and quite often actually!

      • essexian76 says:

        How so ? The message wasn’t aimed at you specifically yet you alone felt it necessary to reply. But how strange it’s you of all people to harrang a fellow supporter especially when your posts always inspire and instil so much passion and positivity about them!

    • Mute 'Arry says:

      Points dropped, maybe you can settle for second best but that says alot about you, dropping points to mediocre teams lost us a CL place last season…don’t forget that!! COYS

    • calebray says:

      and that game is against everton :cool:

    • davspurs says:

      Why praise a player Defoe then drop him and leave a player who we never knew was playing till we seen him in the tunnel ADY. Secondly why play these players when they all had Internationals abroad Parker Bale Van Modric four of our five midfielder wher overun by Obeonekenoby Ponytailexpress Blackcabaye Tiotal full off fuel out run out passed us even with the extra man VERDICT Play player who are not drained Rose should have come on for the lame Walker Pav should have bean sold not plan B Crouch we should have had a penalty for a blatant shove on Ady thirdly don’t sub the big man. Thirdley wise up too these teams who run a lot its not reel you cant stop it by flooding your midfield but by scoring more goals and help from the ref. This Top Up Tempo is easy too spot one man looks like he has quadruplets on the pitch you have two seconds too pass the ball after half time you have one second and in the last ten mins it drops too newt zero nuffin . Newcastle run 121 Klm to beat Wolves we only run 114too beat Arsenal 119 Klms Walker saved us. Krull and energy saved Newcastle Modric is right too question our fitness but wrong to blame Joe and Bondy Mexico blamed contaminated meat Toure is wifes slimmers Paddy is chemist the Hamilton player the internet instructions all these failed drug tests when they where running extra miles and that’s a fact Modric

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