
Over The Moons 2 Sick Parrots 2

Image for Over The Moons 2 Sick Parrots 2

Good evening.

 I am tempted to recall the Hannibal Lecter line, ‘but you may lack perspective’ in relation to today’s fare. The first ten or so minutes were pretty good. Van der Vaart was chucking weight about and it was clear the Bar Codistas were set up every bit like a side that that had been on an awfully good run.

But this isn’t to say I believe this draw reflect the natural order of things nor am content. But given the way we failed to cope with their formation, we came out of things none too bad.

For the bazillionth time stats ain’t my bag. Yet I think that today wasn’t a disaster on the basis that I will be interested to see damage Toon do to to the so called big boys. So far they have been upon an unprecedented run of dealing admirably with mediocre sides. 

Today was their first real crack at a gang of chancers with so called pretensions of greatness. And they have to be commended for their performance. Whatever the much maligned Pardew is up to he is definitely doing something right. A predominantly so so gang of players; yet they are so far dishing it out week on week so far.

Player ratings tomorrow, but I think we can’t gripe over too much about today. Not really.

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  • Dutchman says:

    Totally right, Alspur..Couldn’t have put it better..JD will ALWAYS be mediocre, at best…
    (have to admit his goal today was class, rest was as rubbish as ever..the guy simply squanders too many chances to be good, let alone great….)

  • TMWNN says:

    Two points dropped today. The ugly trait of not being able to see out a game reared its ugly head again. Poor tactics.

    I agree, Defoe was his infuriating self again; great goal followed by the ‘scream at the telly’ inability to see that a simple pass would result in a goal.

    We were pretty poor all over today – disappointing.

  • Alspur says:

    Can someone please HELP?!

    Trying to watch the two vids posted yesterday: 100 years archives, Parts 1 & 2…

    It says: Sorry, these videos are private?!

    GUTTED… Anyone know what’s “occurring”?!

    • essexian76 says:

      Still should play, if not they’re on Youtube I believe, watched them on here this morning

      • Alspur says:

        I’ve tried watching them on YouTube via various links, etc, and they’re all failing… :(

        Someone’s either put the kibosh on it or it’s not available overseas (hard to believe that would apply to youtube?!)

        • essexian76 says:

          Could be the Beeb or THFC copyright issue then, the bastards!

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Yeah it’s simply been flagged as private now. I’m in England so it isn’t an overseas issue.

          Usually videos that have been deemed to have breached the copyright issue are removed and flagged as such, not simply as “private”.

          Disappointed. Been busy working and was looking forward to viewing those. Meh.

        • Alspur says:

          WTF! Anyone got any smart ideas?! Let’s start a petition… Occupy WHL, anyone?

      • eastanglianspur says:

        Controlled opposition at WHL, what next? :whistle:

  • Billy Legit says:

    We have played 4 out of the 5 sides above us in the table, we are sitting sixth with a game in hand.

    We are half way through October……slowly slowly catchy monkey!

    My pint’s half empty at the moment (for the time being).

    *Defo got to get another striker in the Jan transfer window*

    **Open to suggestions?**

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Thought we were a bit naive TBH. We were pressing for a third goal when we would have been a bit better served concentrating on not conceding. Trouble is we have an attacking team so i guess those are the breaks. Don’t get the Defoe knockers. He was no more selfish than Ade. Thought Walker did ok seeing second half he was more exposed than a flashers knob. Hopefully both Lennon and Pienaar are back soon to give us better options on the right. Thought it was a good point.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      What a nice way of saying two points thrown away – we’re now 6th instead of fifth. :shifty:

      I think you’ll find the Defoe knockers look at his overall performances in general, not on how he performed in this game.

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