
Say What Mr Shake Hands Man Say And WIN!!!

Image for Say What Mr Shake Hands Man Say And WIN!!!

Good Evening.

Here she is then, the face the launched a thousand daft denial comments aka the good ship lollypop aka the Professor aka Aunty Wenger.

The caption comp to perhaps cap’em all. Well, this week anyhoo.

Winner of the chirpiest chortle wins a cup of boiling hot water to accompany the instant noodle dish of their choice. What was Mr Shake Hands Man saying? 

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  • AW: I’ll shake your hand if you let me ride horsey next.

  • AW: Your nails are not clean enough to fist me.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    Clive: Oi, Whinger, I’ve totaled up the problems with your squad: selling your best players; replacing good players with lesser players; the failure to strengthen your squad; continuing with the “Cesc” formation when he isn’t there to make it work; a lack of cutting edge; being mentally fragile; being error prone; the inability to defend a set piece; the comedy defending in general; the lack of the grit; the inability to fight when the going gets tough; the belief that possession of the ball is the end instead of the means; the belief that physical play should be outlawed; the persecution complex, and oh dear, I’ve run out of fingers.

  • Spurstacus says:

    AW: Bonjour le ‘onky tonks.

  • Spurstacus says:

    AW: J’ai un cheval à l’extérieur.

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