
Aunty’s Got Her Bloomers In A Twist

Image for Aunty’s Got Her Bloomers In A Twist

Good morning.

Interesting times in which we live. Arsenal supremo Aunty Wenger is bleating again which in itself is not unusual, but this time about the fact that Adebayor has a caveat in his loan deal whereby he may not play against Manchester City. 

Aunty tries to pass this quite standard arrangement off as some sinister tactic that has sent the Premiership into a maelstrom by citing that he allowed both Pennant and Bendtner to play against Arsenal when he loaned them out.

He really is an absolute child. He’s like some mentalist in a restaurant who orders the steak, then spends the rest of his meal not only bemoaning the fact he didn’t order the lobster but it was a conspiracy by the waiter to deprive him because he didn’t recommend the lobster when he ordered.

The timing of the nutty Professor’s comments is interesting. We went third after a consistent run of form that leaves Tottingham 3 points clear of the Woolwich Wanderers who have suffered from  an abysmal away showing and been more than reliant upon Van Pervert. You don’t need to be anymore than a pop psychologist to realize that what Aunty is doing here. Pervert hasn’t hit a vein of form like this in a dog’s age. And outside of the Dutchman he has a squad that can collapse without warning against anyone.

Do you think Manchester City guilty of rigging the deck by buying gifted players and then deciding where they are loaned? If you do, then all I can tell you is, ‘That’s Show Business.’ Why does loaning a player suddenly lessen your control over someone who’s wages your are still paying? And why should a club act in a stealthy manner in all aspects of it’s management?

This is like playing Monopoly and saying it’s not fair that your opponent has loads of houses and hotels up. As long as they weren’t palmed while you were nipping to the lav, it’s called playing the game.

It’s tempting to count chicks that haven’t hatched, but Spurs are playing some slick football and bizarrely we don’t have any huge question marks hovering over our first squad players. We flogged them off in the summer.

The divide between us and them is closing at a rate of knots. And come the end of the season we should look forward to Aunty handing that vile little oik Wilshire a Blankety Blank cheque book and pen to pay his  wager with.

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  • SpurredoninDublin says:

    I don’t want people to get the wrong idea with this post, but Paddy Power is offering 14/1 HR to be the next manager to lose his job.

    The CPS will not normally prosecute unless they have at least a 50% chance of a conviction. If he’s convicted, a custodial beckons. So we have the CPS thinking they are odds on to put him away, and if that is a fair reflection, the gamble is, will another manager be sacked in the next 60 days.

    It’s not something I could bring myself to bet on. It would be a bit like betting on how many survivors there will be from the next plane crash if you get my meaning, but 14/1 does look value for money.

    • Hartley says:

      You have issues brother…and please can you stop shouting…. ^^

      • Razspur says:

        Steve clearly thinks that by using capital letters he is emphising the point he tries to make. He does not realise that it equates to shouting and is really jolly bad form on a blog. I must therefore agree that a little education would benefit his posts greatly. Also toning down the sexual references may help, remembering that he will have to vent his anger in other ways. My advise to young patients with Hyper-Activity-Syndrome is not eating chocolate before mid-day and less excitement after 6pm, just continue with your usual prescription doses until the next appointment.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Can you just clarify: Should I shag myself because I don’t want to bet on him?

      Of course as HH will tell you, if the bookies have got him at 14/1, there is usually a reason for it.

    • Bruxie says:


      You write some pretty offensive stuff.

      Calm down and respect the site.

      We all hate Arse…

      So don’t go over the top.

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        Yes he does rather look as if his education was from a toilet wall.

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        Well said old man, I’ve deleted the caveman’s scrawlings on our wall.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          You might also want to look at his post at 12.12. That really is obnoxious.

          • Bobby says:

            Bruxie, SpurredoninDublin and Harry Hotspur.

            Steve obviously has a different way of expressing his views. He certainly has great passion for his beloved Tottenham Hotspur. Saying things such as, his ‘education was from a toilet wall’ and ‘caveman’s scrawlings’ is not a good thing to say, as he may not be as privileged as you in terms of schooling.

            He is OTT, but we should support him in his views, as he may feel let down by fellow Spurs fans, whilst there are Arsenal fans reading these comments.

            With all due respect, we, as Tottenham Hotspur supporters, must unite with one another, and defend ourselves against our rivals, especially Arsenal.

            Thank you.

            Yours sincerely,


          • SpurredoninDublin says:


            I take your point but I cant think of him having ever made a post which failed to contain some crude sexual reference to somebody he decided was going to get stuck into. Did you see the post that HH deleted?

            You can well talk about us uniting as Spurs, but you should tell that to him first. The post that was deleted was one in which he told another Spurs supporter to go and shag himself.

            I can assure that I did not receive a priviliged education. I left my local comp, aged 15 with an O levels in smoking and groping behind the bikeshed.

        • Bruxie says:

          Reply @ Bobby above.

          Steve may be all of what you say.

          But if he was in a pub talking like that I’d walk away and he would continue.

          On a blog I can tell him exactly what I think. And I do not think I was harsh.

          To avoid the issue and allow him to continue without criticism is therefore a travesty.

          Arsenal fans reading this also have standards and will see that we can “look after the site” by not condoning inappropriate language etc.

          Steve merely needs to temper his OTT language to regain all cred. if this is what your argument is about.

          Fish & chip paper tomorrow, old bean!

          Please don’t lecture me on “Steve obviously has a different way of expressing his views…”

          We know he does. He just needs to tone it down a bit.

          Standards. Set yours and others might follow.

          • SpurredoninDublin says:


            I don’t know how well you know the man, but have you seen his post @12.12.

            He’s made a total of four posts today and everyone of them makes crude reference to a sex act. Most of us on here have argued with and insulted each other at one time or another but we rarely if ever do it in the blunt crude way that Steve seems to regard as compulsory.

          • Bobby says:

            Yh I totally understand, that he has to tone down his language and speak to a level where everyone reading his comment isn’t offended. However, he did make some valid points, but obviously it wasn’t expressed in a nice way.

            I am not aware of the deleted messages. But you mention it was not pleasant. That’s fine.
            There may be young spurs fans on this site, and exposing them to foul and sexual language is exceedingly incorrect.

            I am glad that you guys are taking this into consideration, and are discarding such inappropriate comments.

            Well done.


    • MysteriousStranger says:

      The only problem is it’s with Paddy Power, who don’t lay a decent bet. Win a few bob off them and they carve you up something silly. Would you like 6p on that 14/1 shot? i.e. thanks for wasting your time logging in.

      Added to that they have the nerve to make outlandish claims as to how much paying out early on such and such market cost them (Man U winning the league being one such example) when a tenth of the figure they spout would be much closer to the truth.

      Charlatans. If you can get on, either you can’t have bet with them often, or you’ve bet unsuccessfully with them too much!

  • Bruxie says:

    I’ve just put a quid on.

    I always lose so that’s alright, then!

  • Delovely says:

    Please – why can’t we be respectful of AW and what he has achieved at Arsenal. Give the guy credit, if only he had been managing us over the past 10 years. We are enjoying halceon days for the club but how quickly that can turn around.


    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I don’t deride his achievements, but like so many people in the game today, he really does come across as a very unpleasant “spoilt brat” of a man.

      I revel in his discomfort because of how he behaves, and not because of his undoubted achievements.

      • Bruxie says:

        I like him only for his comedic value.

        Thumping the turf is a shade too embarrassing if it were done in ‘Spurs colours.

        I might be a little embarrassed as a fan.
        The good thing is that most gooners ARE embarrassed by him. And it takes Chelscums attentions away from us.
        They really have it in for him!

        Our ‘Arry sees it as it is and even if he is pandering to the authorities by not being too outspoken (on ref decisions and transfer dealings) for legal and professional reasons, ground thumping and loan moaning is not his bag.

        Everything else however seems fair game – so I cannot wait for his reply to AW!

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I am often embarrassed by some of the pronouncements of HR, but I would never be ashamed of his sportsmanship when we come out the wrong side of a result.

          I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but nobody likes a poor loser, and Whinger is very unlikeable.

  • kojac says:

    aunty is just trying to get over signing squillaci,chamack and the klingon

    the season hasn’t got going yet,when it really starts to bite lets see what happens,

  • Razspur says:

    Spurred i am suprised you`ve brought this topic into the Wenger thread, i don`t see the relevance.If Harry is convicted and encarserated i expect Ancelotti to take up the mantle, not a bad replacement. The only concern i have is the timing of the Court case/Transfer window closure and our match against City on their turf. By the way you accused me of being a “Harry Hater” twice last season, granted i criticised him on many occasions after the Jan `11 window but the performances warrented it, he has been much better this term so far and his aquisitions have improved the team. I will always have reservations about the man due to his history but always give him the benefit of the doubt (Hater is too strong and overused). COYS.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      With all due respect, how often do these threads start out on one issue and end up on another. You have only got to look at the Poppy thread. Were we talking about respect for the dead soldiers, or about pending matches.

      You criticise me, for raising the issue, which I don’t mind, and then go on to give a critique of what should happen if HR is detained, thereby expanding the very subject I shouldn’t be raising.

      Consistency would add to the merits of your posts, which by and large, I appreciate.

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