
Paok Scratchings

Image for Paok Scratchings


I’m genuinely fighting the urge to declare this game a non event before a ball is kicked. The previous leg Top 10’d in the World’s Worst Games Of Football Ever™ with several fans who made the journey finding themselves nominated for Nobel Laureats. 

We’ve been here before. I bemoan the team selection providing entertainment and value for money in the process alienating a good few readers and those who don’t give a monkey’s how I see it remind anyone who’s still bothering to read that it’s great to see the kids given a run out.

Word is that ticket sales have been suspended for security and safety reasons. This precaution might well be explained by a sizable number of Greek fans bellowing ‘Gowaaaanmysan!’ rather than any traffic backing up from Gatwick.

The game is on 2005hrs GMT on Channel 5 and if you’re watching anywhere else in the world… this arrangement will be unaffected. 


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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Personally I thought the ghost of Jenas was busy flying through whichever one of our midfield had the ball, I don’t think I’ve never seen so much sidewards passing.

    I mean, I know they parked the bus, and we aren’t good when teams park the bus.

  • melcyid says:

    It wasnt nice to be reminded of the way were were just a short time ago,with tonights game.But how do you think the owners of INVESTEC feel when they paid millions to sponsor our shirts in this comp and see a substandard team out every game and humiliation at the the lane.The owners are Spurs fans and live in the Bahamas .I reckon they have Joe Lewises earhole and Levy will have to give answers.
    Even it is a devalued cup we still got beat and that doesnt feel good or look good to investors. How can they say its just a mickey mouse cup and then go off with a wad from investors.It may frighten off other investors later when we need them.

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      The exposure for a Europa game is nothing, nada when compared to a Champions League game. I imagine Under Armour will be thanking us if we give them Champions League exposure next season. One game will, across nations, match the exposure of the entire group stage of this bollocks.

      In Investec’s case, they might forgive us and be prepared to offer some more moolah for an extended deal to give them further CL exposure – and in our case, if we get CL football there’ll be other companies quite prepared to climb into bed with us for a cup sponsorship I’m sure. The beauty of Investec’s two year deal was they were getting CL for the first year, likewise it potentially offers anyone else – should Investec not wish to continue their proud “association” with brand Tottenham – the first year’s exposure in the CL with an opportunity of more to come.

      The problem will emerge if we don’t qualify for CL. No-one will likely be banging down your door for some Europa League exposure, and Investec certainly would be unlikely to continue with us.

      Don’t get me wrong, Investec won’t likely be jumping for joy after a penalty shoot out loss in the CC and a likely looking early exit from the Europa to date. *Inserts mandatory “Mickey Mouse Cup” reference here – as bigger clubs tend to do when they have bigger fish to fry.

      However, we’ll make our own destiny here.

      It might just suit both parties if we get the tie of the 3rd Round on Sunday against Man United or similar. For Investec it’ll give maximum exposure – and for us either the chance of a glorious win(hurrah!), alternatively the chance to succumb to defeat against a decent side (no disgrace excuse), or turn in an abject performance with reserves (squad management/concentrating on league excuse). :daumen:

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      @melcyis 3.01

      When I made a similar post at the start of the campaign, there were those who suggested that Investec would not care too much about us being eliminated early and fielding sub-standard teams, as long as we qualified for the CL.

      Never agreed with that idea, and if we go out of the FA cup early, Investec will have to wait until August at the earliest before we wear their name again.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        As I laboured the point in my post, it’s a two year deal, this is the 2nd year. Investec may not get an opportunity to emblazon their brand on our shirt again if they want to. Unless they stump up the appropriate cash.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Anyway, to sum up:

    “We missed Pav”, and “Harry out”. :silly:

  • Alspur says:

    So, do we send the first team to Dublin, hoping for a minor miracle to keep us in Europe…

    …or, accept defeat and send our brave Euro-warriors out for one, final fling…??

    (ps the Shamrock game is on a Thursday, sandwiched between two Sunday fixtures: Stoke (a) & Sunderland (h))

    It pains me to say it, because it goes against all my Spurs-loving principles, but I think we send the kids… (I might change my mind, though…) ;)

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Send the kids. If Shamrock win, they get €60k, which is more than they got for winning the league. They gave us a good game at WHL, so I don’t begrudge them.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Send the kids and dead wood. Cannot see us qualifying now anyway, especially as one common theme running through our Your Ropey Cup experience has been our lack of goals. No Adebayor or DVD and all last seasons problems resurface. The Premier League matches are the key focus. The Christmas/New Year fixtures are very heavy and we have our game in hand to catch up in Jan after the FA Cup 3rd Round. We need to avoid injuries especially as it is clear that we do not have adequate cover for key players. The only top quality cover we have is Sandro, Gallas, Dawson & Huddlestone, Krankie if and when fit. The other squad players are either ready to be moved on ie Bassong, Pav, Corlucka, probably Krankie or are just not ready ie Rose,Townsend, Liversausage, Kane or are just not producing ie Peanut.

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Bassong always looks as though he does not really know where he is. He looks completely terrified whenever he gets anywhere near the ball and most of the time when he is nowhere near the ball he is in a trance like state. Corlucka is just so slow and he also looks like he is about to burst into tears at any moment. He looks like he is running in treacle or quick-sand. Also his passing last night was woeful. Both need to be moved on asap.
    As has been pointed out many times, our squad players are not as good as they think they are and we still have plenty of dead wood to cut out ….
    On the Your Ropey Cup experience, it is sad that the competition itself is so badly structured that it is actually more hassle than it is worth. The prospect of playing a dozen more games even after the group stages is sadly just not worth the bother what with the Premier League and Champions League now so important in terms of profile, revenue and quality. I am a Spur of over 40 years experience and still look back fondly on the EUFA Cup and indeed the domestic cups as real highlights but the reality is that sadly the game has changed and they just don`t have the magic anymore. Like it or not it would sadly seem that the cups are now more trouble than they are worth .
    I guess this is all a sign of me just getting older but whatever happens….. I still love chicken bagde !!!!

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