
Paok Scratchings

Image for Paok Scratchings


I’m genuinely fighting the urge to declare this game a non event before a ball is kicked. The previous leg Top 10’d in the World’s Worst Games Of Football Ever™ with several fans who made the journey finding themselves nominated for Nobel Laureats. 

We’ve been here before. I bemoan the team selection providing entertainment and value for money in the process alienating a good few readers and those who don’t give a monkey’s how I see it remind anyone who’s still bothering to read that it’s great to see the kids given a run out.

Word is that ticket sales have been suspended for security and safety reasons. This precaution might well be explained by a sizable number of Greek fans bellowing ‘Gowaaaanmysan!’ rather than any traffic backing up from Gatwick.

The game is on 2005hrs GMT on Channel 5 and if you’re watching anywhere else in the world… this arrangement will be unaffected. 


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  • Lilywhites says:

    We had an enviable record f only losing once at home in Europe…….what happened to the pride in keeping that record. It culminates with Redschnapps treating the competition with contempt. I agreed with allowing the kids a chance but to go out in the final game at home so weakly to a, lets face it a second rate Greek outfit beggars belief. I want CL footie but whats a season in it compared to silverware. Who is going to remember Le Arse’s 5 or so years of CL footie…..nada, who’s going to remember their lack of silverware in that time….all. I think the priorities of football have changed, but not for the best. Glory or revenue!

    • TMWNN says:

      Where’s the glory in beating teams you’ve never previously heard of, when the real teams of Europe are at a totally different party?

      Get back into Europe proper, then we can build and try to do something no London club has ever done – win Europe’s (the world’s?) premier football competition.

      Where’re those pills, I’ve gone all dizzy. :dizzy2:

      • lecoqhardi says:

        Yep. It’s the difference between spending a few days in the Prado Museum in Madrid and nipping over to Calais for a load of booze. There’s Europe and there’s Europe.
        (The Prado’s the good one, I mean).

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      We have actually been beaten at least three times at home in Europe.

  • Razspur says:

    Football is a cut-throat financial buisness, to have remained in the Europa would have progressively worsened our EPL ambitions, now we have clear tunnel vision towards the Holy Grail. It is clear that squad rotation will consist merely of tinkering and the aquisition of a World Class striker is not simply a luxury but an absolute necessity. We failed to take a giant step forward last season, that was a travesty, to repeat the process would be inexcusable.

    • lecoqhardi says:

      “Madness is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting the result to be different the next time”. Something like that.

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