Aston Villa


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Good Morning.

Stone me. I went to see Alabama 3 last night. Been some fair time since I first saw them and if I left with only one thought it was that their audience these days is a demographic I want no part of. Ever been trapped in a dimly lit public toilet with flatulent geriatric swingers? I say swingers but that implies a frisson of sexual adventure. The last person to lay a hand on the bulk of this lot’s naked flesh was almost certainly a midwife.

So to the game.

After having a cursory flick through the rest of this week’s games the Interlull has down a number of sides the power of goo and I would hope that this refreshed factor would apply to us too. We could go 4th. A win would put us 3rd. But as everyone else has played we’ll stay 5th even if we botch it. But I must stress I do not anticipate that happening. Our form is only bettered by City. We are officially doing quite nicely thank you very much.

The Villa’s record is littered with their usual array of drawn games. Particularly away from home where they have drawn 4 lost 1 out of the last 5.

The friendlies don’t appear to have taken too greater a toll on us, van der Vaart has apparently responded well to the cod liver oil and shaken off his hamstring. Pathe News Boy has been lying in a floatation tank filled with deep heat listening to Winston Churchill recordings after his victory against the Amarda.

Prediction? Ade’s due a goal. He’s been off the score sheet yet contributed selflessly when he has played I’d like to see him beaming and throwing some shapes on the touchline again. Villa will pack the midfield and hope to get Barren Dent away on the break, so it’s vital we have a strategy in place that allows us to play football.

My heart says 3-0, my head says 2-0. If they score it’ll be down to us and one or more of our lot will be in line for a right telling off and no mistake. Monday night football.


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  • Ozspur says:

    I wonder if Modric has popped into Levy’s office to say “thanks for not selling me to Chelsea, boss”?

  • david says:

    The pace in our team was frightening tonight.
    Could not believe my eyes when Kaboom outsprinted Agbonlahor.
    Gallas now fit and can give Ledley a rest if necessary.
    Pav not even on the bench tonight.
    Him and Gomes sold in January.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      my opinion is that it would be a big mistake to sell Gomes.

    • david says:

      You may be right but I cannot see him getting a game and wonder what this has done for his confidence.

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        I recall the first Hearts game, he looked terrible and totally lacking in confidence, but the remaining games he has done well.

        Maybe not a lot to crow about, but apart from the shoot-out against Stoke, he is the only keeper not to have conceded so far.

  • Steveo1987 says:

    Good game for Ledders he just had a little jog about.

    • notsohotspurs says:

      loved the bit when abongandwhore was chasing a ball down and ledley shaped to back pass but just let the ball bounce sending abongandwhore flying past. Pure class.

  • An unacceptable capitulation by the Villa players. That was a team trying to get the manager fired in the 2nd half. Glad we benefitted from it, but that was the worst team we’ll play this season.

  • essexian76 says:

    I am a little confused, happy confused, but still at at a loss about this current side. Did we just walk over a team, without actually breaking sweat? The great Spurs sides I’ve seen, have always played with pace and power, but tonight we kept it under wraps yet still brushed Villa aside without any real problems. I’m confused because I don’t know if I’m witnessing an absolutely clinical team or one that’s just playing enough good football to ease through a game? Not a single player had a mediocre game, yet, no-one was outstandingly eye catching brilliant, it was just a superb team performance-or were Villa just really that poor?

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      If I had to answer that question, I would say that we have the team, and the squad, but not necessarily the tactics.

      If we are going to play the lone striker, we have to accept we are not going to get many goals. That being the case, I’d like to see Sandro and Parker in front of our defence.

      • essexian76 says:

        It was so strange watching the game tonight, the atmosphere and performance seemed a little staid, but after watching the re=run at home, it seemed more polished and professional. No chinks or weak links just a stroll if I’m honest without trying to be arrogant. I’ve now seen top strikers like Agboglahor, Suareze and Van Persie all reduced to mere passengers and yet still can’t quite believe or convince myself this is really happening-too many years of getting kicked in the bollocks I guess, still as Ronlad McDonald once said I’m lovin’ it”, and who can argue with him, even if he does wear an Arsenal outfit?

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Just my own opinion, but I honestly believe that we were the second best team in the PL last year, but we also had some horrendous bad luck. This year, I do believe we are third best, though we have been a bit lucky on occasion. These things have a way of evening themselves out.

          You only need to look at Cheatski to validate that theory. If they had not been awarded three illegal goals against us, they would have finished 4th in the PL instead of second, and I think we are seeing the worst Chelsea team since the Russki came to town.

    • onedavemackay says:

      Villa lacked ambition. We created far too many clear cut chances that we didn’t convert.

      You can only beat what’s in front of you but we need to become a tad more clinical. Adebayor worked hard but he really needs to take more chances.

      From the big man’s twitter feed:

      X“@Sheyiadebayor:Great performance tonight.I’m sorry I couldn’t get my first hat trick in a Tottenham shirt.Don’t worry will never give up!”

      • Alspur says:

        Spot on, ODM…

        (I would add that Villa’s manager lacked ambition: he left too many decent MF players on the bench… v strange, but I’m not complaining!!)

      • toddspur says:

        agree ODM but and its a big BUT;

        Spurs finally have the fear factor. Manure have won oooooooodles of games just by reputation. Citeh have it just cos they have the best squad; the gooners are re-capturing it (but will lose much of it if Van pervert goes lame) and Cheatski are being found out. Liverpoo worry me more than those twats

        Spurs are in a great place and much credit has to go to Parker and dare I say it Arry and his team. No-one wants to play us

        Villa knew they needed to keep a clean sheet to continue playing in such a negative way; as soon as we scored they were fucked (and incredibly they continued to play the same way). For that Mcleish needs shooting. I bet when The Bull outpaced The Whore he must have thought his best laid plan of counter-attacking with pace through the middle was fucked….

        Do you ever recall Spurs settling for a low scoring loss? Never, he should be ashamed of himself.

        Lets just hope the Ropey and FA Cups dont hinder our good form. Keep the lads on Ropey duty and mix it up on the cup

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