Aston Villa


Image for Prattle

Good Morning.

Stone me. I went to see Alabama 3 last night. Been some fair time since I first saw them and if I left with only one thought it was that their audience these days is a demographic I want no part of. Ever been trapped in a dimly lit public toilet with flatulent geriatric swingers? I say swingers but that implies a frisson of sexual adventure. The last person to lay a hand on the bulk of this lot’s naked flesh was almost certainly a midwife.

So to the game.

After having a cursory flick through the rest of this week’s games the Interlull has down a number of sides the power of goo and I would hope that this refreshed factor would apply to us too. We could go 4th. A win would put us 3rd. But as everyone else has played we’ll stay 5th even if we botch it. But I must stress I do not anticipate that happening. Our form is only bettered by City. We are officially doing quite nicely thank you very much.

The Villa’s record is littered with their usual array of drawn games. Particularly away from home where they have drawn 4 lost 1 out of the last 5.

The friendlies don’t appear to have taken too greater a toll on us, van der Vaart has apparently responded well to the cod liver oil and shaken off his hamstring. Pathe News Boy has been lying in a floatation tank filled with deep heat listening to Winston Churchill recordings after his victory against the Amarda.

Prediction? Ade’s due a goal. He’s been off the score sheet yet contributed selflessly when he has played I’d like to see him beaming and throwing some shapes on the touchline again. Villa will pack the midfield and hope to get Barren Dent away on the break, so it’s vital we have a strategy in place that allows us to play football.

My heart says 3-0, my head says 2-0. If they score it’ll be down to us and one or more of our lot will be in line for a right telling off and no mistake. Monday night football.


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