
What Was Modders Whispering To Arry?

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Good afternoon.

The player Arry Redschnapps was  willing to trade in using the Jack & The Beanstalk Business Model for ‘some players’ was at the centre of a full on man hug explosion pitch-side, Monday night. 

“Luka was fantastic, him and Scott Parker have been outstanding together, I love Luka, I love the way he plays his football and he’s an absolutely top-class professional and a great guy.”

The winner of this caption competition wins a copy of my local Chinese take-away menu, The Bird’s Nest. This menu is a veritable tour de force of competitively priced cuisine available for collection or delivery. You’re in charge at The Bird’s Nest. 

The myriad of choice will leave you reeling. Kung Po, OK Sauce  and Squid dishes are only trumped by a Desert listing that specifies two items. ‘Any Can Of Soft Drink’ and ‘Banana Fritter With Honey.’

Focus your mind and this precious item could be yours to keep.

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  • Alpha T says:

    HR: Told you we could unsettle Chelsea with the transfer saga of summer, now let’s wait to see how many oiks make silly bets about finishing above us…
    LM: Yeah I F*cking hate Jack Wilshite too!
    KB: I’m just glad Villa care about Arry’s heart enough not to bother playing…

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Luka: AVL gives younger hugs
    Harry; i have a wart on my todger and a golf ball stuck up my arse
    KB: how far is it stuck
    Harry: fairway

    • jj the good one says:

      Thankyou sid, I work the night shift and you always crack me up ‘tighter than a chinese condom on an elephant’, classic.

  • Nicktheyid says:

    Lm:January yes!
    HR: corse luka January
    KB: your going nowhere you little cnut

  • essexian76 says:

    LM “I check his ticker is still ticking”
    HR; Have you got that little sweetener for the lad?”
    Bondie “Yeah Boss, right here in me sky!”

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Luka ` I sorry, I really do love chicken badge` but I still no understand the word `triffic` nor `Glory, Glory` song.

    HR ` OK Luka, I get Dan to give you wage rise and I won`t say triffic quite so much.

    KB ` Also Luka, nobody like Big Tall Circus Man, nor Rush Goalie, so we get rid of both`.

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