
A Fistful Of Fluoxetine

Image for A Fistful Of Fluoxetine

Good evening,

I remember going to night clubs in the late eighties and giving men who looked like Stoke players a really wide berth. They were pasty faced behemoths with glassy eyed, heavily booze sedated glares. Occasionally they focused upon their prey and those daft enough to meet their gaze were too frequently met with an immediate threat of violence.

The first half was near unwatchable. And I’m not whining just because we trudged off two goals to the worse. It was anti football all the way. Stoke hoofed and Huthed their way again and again into our penalty area. If any other Premiership outfit when awarded a throw in gave a 15/20 second burst of Irish dancing (just for example) prior to throwing the ball, they would be penalized without hesitation.

But with Stoke the ceremony of the towel, the ball cleansing, rubbing, examinaion and finally the run up prior to launch appears to now be a welcomed part of the game. Hell, they’ve even let them sew a towel into the inside of their shirts.

The second half was a mess. Chris Foy is a retarded and incontinent old woman and that’s about as constructive as I can be about him. 

A dreadful game. 

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  • A_Felching says:

    No good moaning, from what I saw of the game we had Bale on the right and Lennon on the left. Now I am not a coach, but we will be waiting until our wingers grow a new leg each for this to work. Stoke are Stoke nothing changes

  • steve says:


  • JimboTHFC says:

    Kaboul’s second yellow was just a foul, i’m sure he got a second booking because the ref had the hump about his ‘you need a pair of glasses’ jesture.

    This game was a great example of a ref who can’t handle a vocal home support. He should only be allowed to ref games that aren’t sold out, like Wigan and Blackburn.

    • david says:

      Think Kaboul got it spot on with that gesture.
      Apart from the major talking points, ref gave them 2 goal kicks for what should have been corners, allowed their defenders to go through the back of our players without penalty and even managed to penalise GDS for a foul throw.
      Had he sent Shawcross off for the handball on the line and given us the penalty, we should have played the last 20 minutes at 2-2 against 10 men.

      • essexian76 says:

        Watching the highlights clearly shows the 4th official drawing Foy’s attention to Kabouls gesture that resulted in his first yellow card, which makes you wonder why he didn’t do the same on numerous others?

  • david says:

    I wonder if we will play with wing backs more often after the second half today.
    Have thought for a while that we have the players to make it work, provided we can find 3 fit centre backs!
    I thought before the game we would struggle with our team of diddy men against their land of the giants cast but was impressed by the way we sorted it out second half and a competent ref would have seen us get 1 point if not all 3.

  • david says:

    Remember after this fixture last year which we won 2-1, the Match of the Day panel praising Gomes for coming off his line and either catching or punching the long throws and high balls into our area.
    Brad has a lot of qualities but does seem to be rooted to his line.

    • onedavemackay says:

      Well spotted. He’s not done bad but a real keeper dominates the six yard box but regrettably that ain’t Brad

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