
A Fistful Of Fluoxetine

Image for A Fistful Of Fluoxetine

Good evening,

I remember going to night clubs in the late eighties and giving men who looked like Stoke players a really wide berth. They were pasty faced behemoths with glassy eyed, heavily booze sedated glares. Occasionally they focused upon their prey and those daft enough to meet their gaze were too frequently met with an immediate threat of violence.

The first half was near unwatchable. And I’m not whining just because we trudged off two goals to the worse. It was anti football all the way. Stoke hoofed and Huthed their way again and again into our penalty area. If any other Premiership outfit when awarded a throw in gave a 15/20 second burst of Irish dancing (just for example) prior to throwing the ball, they would be penalized without hesitation.

But with Stoke the ceremony of the towel, the ball cleansing, rubbing, examinaion and finally the run up prior to launch appears to now be a welcomed part of the game. Hell, they’ve even let them sew a towel into the inside of their shirts.

The second half was a mess. Chris Foy is a retarded and incontinent old woman and that’s about as constructive as I can be about him. 

A dreadful game. 

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  • onedavemackay says:

    It’s the next few games that matter now

  • Finn says:

    This was always going to be a difficult game and we shopuld have leared some lessons from being turfed out of the Carling club in the same manner!

    This was the occasion to go away in december with Sandro and PNB, play one up front and secuire a point with a view to nicking 3. However I think we got carried away with our own legend and forgot that sometimes this is a job. Stoke did their job and criticising it is rather lame, they ae what they are, we knew that and we didn’t play to the conditions away from home.

    As for the Ref? Ask Martin Jol the other week……it evens itself out.

    Let’s not start to sound like Gooners or ManU fans. We lost this not anyone else.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Spot on Finn,when VdV scored the maybe dodgy goal against the arse,I took great pleasure in the scums constant moaning.Lets take it on the chin and hopefully the sense of injustice will bond the squad even tighter COYS

  • munso says:

    Shocking performance by the officials today.
    The handball – fair enough it happens quick, i wasn’t sure till prob the 2nd replay.
    The sending off was fair enough too, you cannot do the old Mr Magoo and get away with it.
    The offside decision was terrible, surely the lineo will be getting a call from the FA?

    The thing that pissed me off with todays ref was that last week MOTD highlighted the holding that Stoke get up to at corners and free-kicks, surely Foy would watch the football?
    Still done the exact same thing this week and got away with it again.

  • Sandro Redknapp says:

    Was a good 2nd half from the boys but the 1st was shocking. Regardless of the ref we could have and maybe should have beaten these anti-football cockroaches. Redknapp was too afraid to tinkle with the team despite knowing what was coming. We all knew that Stoke win by bullying teams off the park. Why didnt we start with Bassong and Sandro to deal with what we all knew was going to be key to the game. Without Azza and A&E we would have had enough class to have beaten them anyway. Maybe troutchops will learn from this.

  • essexian76 says:

    I intimated after the Bolton game, that we’d become a little arrogant, and the first half today gave us the kick in the nuts we deserved. But why change the side? continuity and a reward for good performances surely deserve recognition and stability not chopping and changing for no good reason other than to accommodate an ego. We all knew what to expect, and as predicted we didn’t keep the ball well enough first half and missed King’s presence so badly in the heart of the defence. But you really cannot fault the players second half for endeavour and determination, but if that’s a top refereeing team then god help us! I say team because the linesman was the main culprit by his sheer incompetence and inability to understand the basic of football laws. But let’s get it back on track Sunday and not dwell on today, eh?

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