
Best Spurs New Years Resolution Wins £50

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Good evening avid reader. And sorry to wake you up.

This should be good. Aside from which, it’s inspired by the delectable thing that is @louise_s_page. Other unpaid Ad spot quotes for hot bruntettes upon request available.

Here’s the gig. You are a Spurs related person. You share your New Years Resolution. You might be the most brilliantest.

You could be Jermaine J****, or Modders or van der Vaart, the Boy Bale or even Arry. Heck, you could be David Pleat. Good golly missus, you may opt to be Timmy Sherwood.

But what we want is the persona you chose to demonstrate – via your very own brilliant wit and comedic wisdom’s New Year Resolution – f u n n y.

The funniest New Years Resolution wins £50’s worth of Vision Sports Publishing books. Fifty quid!


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  • lammybah says:

    Arry: I promise to take my Parkinson’s medication

  • JPG466 says:

    VDV : In 2012 i’ll let Luka take a few free kicks

    Arry : to lead Spurs to a 3rd title.. England can wait

    Hudd : ask Arry to try me at CB when i return

    Bale : work on getting my right as good as my left foot, which would put my price tag beyond any club on the planet, and keep me winning titles at Spurs

    Niko : to smile more, 2012 will be my year too

  • Razspur says:

    Tottenham Board room-Summit Meeting

    DL speaks” I promise to open the war chest from 9am”.

    HR…..”Feckinell Dan you mighta warned me i`d `av had a shopping list”.

    DL…..”Search the four corners of the globe and bring me winners, the very best”.

    HR…”Thanks Dan i will win you this Premiership”.

    A few minutes later outside,”Joe, Kevin wait `till you hear this, Danny`s just said go get me the very best that we can buy, money no problem, he does actually think we`re wheeler dealers. Here`s the plan, Kev contact Chelsea we need Triffic Frank, Joe get on to Stoke, Peter is homesick, can`t throw for S*it, he`ll be our target man next season`s CL and i`ll get us that top top boy from `uddersfield.

  • Hubba says:

    Pete Abbott Stadium Announcer/Talkshit newsreader: Quite simply he should resolve to tell Adrian Durham on one of his newsreels he is a Ginger tosser who should never be allowed to comment on football again.

  • Dutchman says:

    JD: promise to try and aim, before i pull the trigger on every ball i get..
    ‘Arry: just rang that bloke he tinks of 80K week wages..
    Benzema: although Harry Hotspur promised me a transfer to the mighty Tottingham’s over a year ago, i’m still stuck here in Madrid..

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