
Canary Flavoured Player Ratings

Image for Canary Flavoured Player Ratings

Good morning.

All a bit hairy to start off with. If your definition of hairy of course meant you couldn’t believe we’d managed to go in at half time without being at least two goals to the good. 

If Manchester United had gone up there and won one-nil you wouldn’t have heard a peep out of their lot. Just sensed that satisfied air about them that they had gone in, done a job and got out again. Winning, the breakfast of Champions.

Can I add that I am dead chuffed. Genuinely dead chuffed with the performance. The era of the shirker appears to thankfully to have come to an end. No bellies still creaking from too much festive fare among our lot.  No half a mind on getting back into the warm to play with their diamond encrusted video game controllers.

So thanks for that lads. And well done.

 7.845 If I had to sum him up in one word, that word would be reassuring. Like a draw full of freshly laundered underwear, or a cupboard full of lovely food. Or a gun under your pillow. He’s reassuring on so many different levels. 

 6.045 Not the world’s most reliable defender and simultaneously one of the world’s shoddiest attacking forces. Needs some serious coaching in order to harness what is obviously a bundle of talent.

 7.432 Looked very much like one of them top notch centre back types out of  one of them big swanky Premiership sides that comes down from that London. 

 7.432 Another genuine positive. He and Younes gave a good impression of the the old, your name’s not down, you’re not coming in sketch to Morrison and that pig dog Holt.

 7.432 Some cheerful holiday racism from the local yokels didn’t deter a generally excellent shift. His aerial passing is far too hit and miss and he needs to improve or remove this from his game.

 8.001 His attitude is extraordinary. Let’s hope that we can keep him in a Spurs shirt for many many years to come. Not the same shirt of course, that would actually deteriorate into a human rights issue.

 7.765 His appointment as captain sends ripples of satisfaction through the Tottinghamsphere. He talks to his team mates and appears to be rather useful when it comes to asking referees what’s occurring in their tiny minds.

 8.439 The egg that binds. Try baking without eggs. Go on. Off you go. We’ll wait. We’ve got as long as you need… See? it doesn’t work. Without him we wouldn’t even be half baked. And that is science.

 8.455 Passing wise, he can place an emu strapped to a grandfather clock through the eye of a needle, yet unless his corners are taken short they seem routinely not to find a team mate.

 8.797 His early shots made me swear, but not as joyfully as those that went in. He was pretty much unplayable. Roddy McDowall would have been proud of his celebratory ‘simian reel’.

 7.992 It is a wonderful sight to see him in the shirt. He smiles, he thinks, he grafts and more often than not he delivers. The wit and variety he offers make him well worth a monster fee. Let’s pray we get him long term.

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  • Billy Legit says:


    That’s where we gonna be in May.

    (fingers and other parts of the anatomy crossed).

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I believe we only won by scoring more goals than them. Otherwise the Tractor was in 3rd gear and the carrots were harvested long before the shaky sunday brunch fest that is west brom on a friday though sometimes not. Hooray we are going to Fiat Panda all over the Arse and then some


  • cockeralyid says:

    Got to say Kaboul was masterful and just a little harsh on BAE but I suppose it’s par for the course with Benny; you either get him or you don’t. Suffice to say I do! Brilliant control from Ade and Bale leading to the breakthrough and when Bale is in full flow, it’s like watching a cheetah bearing down on it’s prey! Breathtaking!

  • Phil McAvity says:

    Can’t argue with much much of that HH old chap. I really wish A&E would change his boots, his passing and crossing has been a bit hit and miss recently but we all know the boy is good.

    Also, I cannot believe the ball control that Ade has, especially when you add in the fact he’s about nine feet tall!! Long may it continue.

  • toddspur says:

    Harry bloody Hotspur;

    I thought it was a toss-up between Bale and Walker for MoM. Are you missing Hutton??!!

    I’d also back that up by saying Butch Wilkins said he is the best right back in the country….and he knows even more than I do about footy( :daumen: )

    The Bull and Billy were tremendous

    We need another striker in January and then we can really compete

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      FWIW, I had exactly the same POV as you. I thought that Walker was frequently a danger, and put in some good crosses.

      It worries me though, that we have yet to see any real interplay between him and Lennon. I think one of the things that makes Bale so good, is the support he gets from BAE. Now if we could see the same on the right side, full backs playing against us would be seeking endangered species status.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      @Toddspur,Hello my Fav tipster,I got 6’s at Boylesport.Awaiting your next tip,can you get a hatrick?

      • toddspur says:

        morning fw2

        The old chrsytal balls a bit cloudy; it livens up when its owners does.
        PPower has 7/1 spurs 2-0 again. if we remain unchanged then we could do that. brad looks in good nick too

        Maybe 2-0 is a good prediction

    • Discospurs says:

      I concur regarding Walker.

      It’s been on my mind a bit recently. He gets berated for his defending and lauded for his attacking. Yet when I’ve watched him closely be defends bloody well more often than not; he has the pace to keep with any winger, and I’ve seen a whole bunch of clean tackles that have simply snuffed out the danger.

      On the other hand, while I’m enthused by his constant running and that he’s always a right-sided outlet who has, as often as not, worked himself some space, I feel let down by his lack of end product. He smacks of Lennon a few years ago – despite acres of space 9/10 he’ll concede possession with an over-hit cross, by running into the full back, or by hitting the first man. I can only remember one of his forward runs resulting in a chance (and a goal) – for all the thousands of times I’ve seen him hare forward in space.

      But I still think his defending is a lot better than people give him credit for. Watch what he gets right, and not always the times he gets it wrong. You might be surprised.

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