
Everybody Out!

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Good afternoon.

You can’t order a cheese roll and when you get a sirloin by mistake moan you about the absence of a steak knife. 

And if you hear a more convoluted analogy than that in your life, be sure to let me know. THFC went into that game tactically inept to play a decent side. THFC were quite vocal about the Mickey Mouse nature of the Europa. THFC chuckled quietly as they priced tickets for the Europa. THFC trod a fine line between fact and fiction prior to banking Invetec’s cheque.

So whining over this loss isn’t something you’re going to catch me doing. What we lacked was …our first team against a side that weren’t rubbish who ….decided to field theirs.

I routinely wish Levy & Co well but in this was a mistake and one that will hover around like the rectal gas of a pensioner living on diet of nothing but cabbage soup.

Great to see the kids get a run out. Yeah right. If that was the mission statement then how come we fielded a botch job of a team? You can’t have it both ways (that’s what she said).

You field are full squad or you field the kids. Unless you’re Manchester United. Or Arsenal when they are going through the gears which at this moment in time they are not.

Oh so I geddet, Aitch – you’re blaming Arry. The best man manager Mao Tse Tung! Well, he’s …the m a n a g e r  or did someone else pick the team?

So wot abaht our brave boys having to play twice a week? Talk to Jimmy Greaves, sweetheart. He treated himself to new knees in his 69th year from money he never earned from kicking a ball.


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  • E4_Yidd says:

    Games like last nights show the gulf in quality between our starting 11 (and 2-3 others) and the rest of the squad. Kane is a future League 2 forward, absolute donkey.

    Not all gloom and doom at all, but I thought it was a fairly big trophy that we could have won. As long as we hammer Bolton, its all good.

  • why did we buy pienaar??? he brings nothing to the team what so ever… corluka??? slow is not the word probably thrombosis is better… gallas (thrombosis) bassong (baffoon)was not a penalty and to be honest i was embarrassed and ashamed to love my club as much as i do… get out of europa weve taken it too lightly!!

  • JIM says:

    cant argue with the team put out and cant argue with the result. Yes, I dont like losing any game but when you consider the next 4 knockout games in this cup are in Feb/Mar and this is the time we play United, chelsea, lpool and arse, then is it such a bad thing?

    The team, bar 3 players, were all players that needed a game. Why would you put out a team of kids and not play the others? If they dont play in this then when do they play??

    Nobody was great but Pienaar isnt fit yet so I wont destroy him for that. We had three particually poor performances out there. Corluka ( dare he moan about his place again afater that? ), Livermore ( needs to quicken up, really ploddy ) and sadly Kane ( just didnt look sharp )

    • UnkleKev says:

      With regard to Pienaar, does lack of fitness impair your ability to pass to a teammate? Or hit the target unchallenged from eight yards out?

      I’ve been quite defensive of him in the past (needs time to settle in, blah, blah) but last night, for a seasoned international, he was absolutely shocking.

  • Cptcaveman says:

    Although I wasn’t overly bothered about losing last night (although I dont like seeing the YIDS lose)…I was suddenly hit with the realisation that, even if WE DO qualify for the Champs League next year, what have we won THIS YEAR?? We have a great squad at present and should be starting to see some silverwear…the Europa cup was a chance at that!! Obviously we still have the FA CUP & The League…but how long until they slip away like the Caling Cup & Europa…

    • JIM says:

      well we havent got the league have we, seriously?

      • Cptcaveman says:

        I know mate but didn’t want to sound like a complete pessimist!! Just making the point that you have to be in it to win it!!

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          The general consensus. is that we would trade 4th in the league for winning the FA/CC/EL and ESC, and that any attempt to win the other four is detrimental to our CL aspirations.

  • Spurchrisd says:

    Nobody wanted the Europa league, but it was a rare opportunity for squad players to stretch their legs. Badly needed too, judging by the general standard of performance.

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