
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Twitch It

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Good morning.

Our tight lipped, ashen faced supremo Arry Redschnapps has decided to confound his critics and implement a managerial masterstroke. 

“Aaron’s been in good form lately. I think he’s better on the left than on the right, in all honesty. When he comes on the left, like he did at Fulham and against Bolton, he can score.

He likes to duck inside on his right foot, or he can take it past you.

“I think he gets more opportunities to score goals when he plays on the left. On the other side he tends to go one way. 

When he gets on the left side, he squares people up and he can come inside around the box and he’s got that shot on all the time. I think he’s happier on the left.

Now I’ve seen this work on a couple of occasions. I admit that. But I’ve seen it not work more frequently.

Yes, Arry has done brilliantly, but he’s got this wrong. This is the same guy who thought the boy Bale was in his best position as a left back.  Mixing it up mid game is a good idea but swapping Bale and Azza over on a permanent basis is surely going to generate play as ‘predictable’ as it is right now. 

This is all about facilitating Azza who appears to routinely lack inventiveness and of course a decent final ball. Harsh? Well we spend every season watching essentially the same spiel. Gets the ball, hares off like a lunatic, crosses into row G. That’s if he’s not recovering from some injury at a pace that would put an octogenarian to shame.

No, what’s needed to greater variety in Azza Blud’s play opposed to accommodating his weaknesses. 

Lennon – on his day – is an exceptional player but to my mind he is at most exciting when he breaks from the clock work mouse drill of pelting up the wing. I’m not suggest he knock that stunt on the head, rather he add more moves to his rather limited repertoire. 

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  • spurstough says:

    Don’t believe everything he says to the press… He doesn’t!

  • essexian76 says:

    I often wonder what the opposition are thinking fifteen minutes before walking out to face this current Spurs team? ‘right, you pick up Bale and stop his run, and you do the same to Lennon, got it?’ ‘But Boss, Bale plays deep and it’ll drag me too deep if I’m tracking him, and the bugger keeps moving left and right!’ ‘And what about VDV, Boss?’
    ‘Yeah Boss, and Adebayor, comes in deep and that Walker bloke’s damned quick’ ‘What about that geezer with big hair and invisible motorbike, Boss?’
    ‘What about Lennon, Boss?’
    ‘Oh-fuck it!, just get out there-bollocks to the tacticS then!’

    • toddspur says:


      Joking aside; I dont think any of our last 10 oppo’s have figured it out.

      The Cheatski game will be very interesting to see what they do to counteract our pace on the flanks. Ashley Cole should be ok but their RB will be shitting himself. Bring it on

      • essexian76 says:

        Or maybe the art of a good tactician is just buggering up the oppositions?, just a thought :winke:

      • Razspur says:

        Seems like a fine time for the Cheats to play a high line. Christmas presents all round for Bale,Lennon,Ade & Defoe/VDV yep we`ll score four, how many will the Cheats get ?
        3 days before Christmas.

        • jim says:

          That’s a very good point. Yesterday they beat a team who clearly cant defend cohesively. How many they get depends on whether Drogba is up for it, but it wont be four.

      • Cptcaveman says:

        I sincerely pray that AVB plays as he has been in recent weeks holding a high defensive line!! Bale and Lennon will have a field day rushing past if this is the case. What are the odds on Luiz getting a red card in the game?? Its worth a punt!

    • jim says:

      Today lads, 4 keepers, 6 defenders and a CM who I’ll sub three times!

    • jim says:

      In all honesty Essex i reckon they are all hoping for the same thing. Set piece goal and then 10 behind the ball.

      • essexian76 says:

        And one day it’ll pay dividends and that manager will be hailed as a tactical genius by the press, but we all know footballs a funny ol’ game! ;-) Who never said that?

    • Yachtsman says:

      Well said! Wot a nitemare!

      • Yachtsman says:

        Hold on, my reply above was to what Essexian said way higher up, about players trying to work out how to respond to our moves…

  • Alpha T says:

    And more deluded Goons clutching at straws, definitely worth a look at if just for the giggle;,,12038_7355404,00.html

  • JimmyG2 says:

    Don’t always agree with you HH, in fact hardly ever,but you have got this absolutely spot on, 100% correct.
    But you could be falling for Harry’s mind games.
    Or he could be falling for his own mind games.

    But if they both start on the opposite wing and swap over for 50% of the time which wing are they actually both playing on?

  • Alpha T says:

    I’m still waiting Harry?! Quiet on the response to my question makes me think you got that one slightly wrong!?

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