
Modric Confirms He WILL Stay … Until June. Probably. If He Feels Like It.

Image for Modric Confirms He WILL Stay … Until June. Probably. If  He Feels Like It.

Good morning Chicken Badge fans.

Breaking light from yonder window? Not really. More like the dull glow of a 20w bulb. This Google translation then from Croatian media, Sportske Novosti. Chelsea fans will be buoyed by the knowledge that despite the hard ball from Levy & Co the player is essentially theirs as soon as a deal can fight it’s way through the red tape.

 “All that is stated in the press I read, no other knowledge about the alleged offers I have. I do the time do not even bother. We do our best to Tottenham to get the results sought by the club and fans. 

We’re strong and playful. Considering all the circumstances, primarily to the fact that I do not want to go over Golgotha ??as the summer transfer period, with almost 100-percent certainty I can say that I will stay at Tottenham until the summer. 

A small percentage to go I always leave as a theoretical possibility, if the club gets such an offer for me and you can not (you) do not want to refuse. However, the reality is that the Spurs stay until June, and then it will be seen. 

All options are possible, however far it is, I will not bother. I just want to be healthy and play well, everything else will go in order to go. … “

How to win friends and influence people. Looking for loyalty in footballers these days is like looking for Neil Warnock’s eyebrows.

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  • nickster says:

    Loyalty in football has always been a much misguided hypocrisy, used by club, player or fan when either one feels slighted by the other. As fans, we didn’t say ‘that modric is an unloyal git. Leaving his previous club like that to join us. I bet he’ll do the same to us one day!’ No, we were more than happy to slam down the old cheque book with a ‘tough shit’ attitude to his club and fans. Unfortunately this may happen to us. Disappointing but true. :-(

    • Ledge says:

      spot on

    • anon says:

      Yeah whatever. We didn’t do a Chelsea when signing him. The fans are right and Modric is wrong. Your attempt to defend Chelsea is pathetic and stupid.

      • nickster says:

        ‘Yeah whatever’ — Always a comment from someone of great intelligence. Exactly what is the ‘real’ difference between how we wafted out cheque book in front of modric compared to that of Chelski ?

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          If players never talked of a loyalty and kissed fucking badges we would not have an expectation of them.

        • NN says:

          We agreed a fee with the selling club that they were content with. Entirely different to promising Mod the earth whilst dragging it out and trying to pay half of what he’s worth. Or Mod whoring himself to us. I even remember their Chairman crowing about the amount they got. Can’t say we have never adopted underhand tactics, but that lot have form as long as yer arm. Their arrogance is stunning and they, as well as Mod, deserved the smack in the chops they duly received.

        • nickster says:

          The ‘smack in the chops’ you refer to was most certainly deserved. I was very proud of how Levy stood his ground. Its just that all clubs live by a sword that at some point will make them bleed, and for every story involving someone like modric, there’s another involving poaching / unsettling of Hoddle from southampton, Bostock from palace and Ramos from Sevilla.

  • Cptcaveman says:

    Harry, I understand the post and its a fair point but surely he’s only said what he needed to say to stop all the fuss starting again in Jan but also played the most sensible hand to still get his new deal next year! Lets not forget, he still has four years on his contract and I dont think DL will change his stance after just one! Especially not to sell him to a rival whom we may knock out of the CL places this year.

  • McG says:

    If Mods is worth say 45 mil, why not decide that when we sell him, we’ll bank 40 mil and use the remaining 5mil to increase his salary now? You could up his wage 50k a week for two years quite easily..

  • Spurstacus says:

    I cant help but think that this is another attempt to destabilise us by the ghetto rat press.
    I dont think he has said anything we didnt already know.IE he will make a decision in the summer.
    Why anyone expects him to be loyal after what he put the club through last summer is beyond me.
    He wants what we all want- money and success, and he will ride whatever train helps him achieve his goal.
    If we want to keep and attract the best players we have to convince them we are serious about winning and pay them what it costs to have them help us do it.
    Loyalty is red herring.

  • Razspur says:

    Loyalty and the Croat just don`t compute, wage rise to blow our current structure….Computer says no! Yes offer bonus for top 4, FA cup and EPL Championship. Buy wisely in Jan but don`t expect to see the Croats superb football next season, enjoy it while we can.

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