
Modric Confirms He WILL Stay … Until June. Probably. If He Feels Like It.

Image for Modric Confirms He WILL Stay … Until June. Probably. If  He Feels Like It.

Good morning Chicken Badge fans.

Breaking light from yonder window? Not really. More like the dull glow of a 20w bulb. This Google translation then from Croatian media, Sportske Novosti. Chelsea fans will be buoyed by the knowledge that despite the hard ball from Levy & Co the player is essentially theirs as soon as a deal can fight it’s way through the red tape.

 “All that is stated in the press I read, no other knowledge about the alleged offers I have. I do the time do not even bother. We do our best to Tottenham to get the results sought by the club and fans. 

We’re strong and playful. Considering all the circumstances, primarily to the fact that I do not want to go over Golgotha ??as the summer transfer period, with almost 100-percent certainty I can say that I will stay at Tottenham until the summer. 

A small percentage to go I always leave as a theoretical possibility, if the club gets such an offer for me and you can not (you) do not want to refuse. However, the reality is that the Spurs stay until June, and then it will be seen. 

All options are possible, however far it is, I will not bother. I just want to be healthy and play well, everything else will go in order to go. … “

How to win friends and influence people. Looking for loyalty in footballers these days is like looking for Neil Warnock’s eyebrows.

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  • Yachtsman says:

    It’s a rum business, this concept of loyalty in a sporting context. For a player, one aspect is how best to ensure one’s future (and that of the family, etc.) That’s the essential loyalty, the more so as one knows that the club one is currently playing for will move one on if “business reasons” dictate. Another aspect has to do with the heart. Some players, even today with its emphasis on money, still choose to stay with a club despite the prospect of higher wages elsewhere. Then there’s Fabregas. He is a bit of both. The other day he was reported as saying he would return to the Arse sometime down the road, but right now Barcelona was the place to be.

    Yes, it’s a rum do. What would I advise my son if he were Modric. Or Bale. Or Walker. I’d say just about what Modric is reported to have told his local paper. Give your present team mates and club everything you have got. Be professional at all times (not quite what Modric was doing at the outset of this season). Think of the long term and of your family. Part of this is what plans the club has. If it is “ambitious,” a good case can be made for your staying with it, provided it plays fair with you financially, etc. And so on.

    Enough said. Though I am enjoying the discussion.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    This is almost certainly the most thoughtful course of action to prescribe and indeed thoughtful response to adopt.

    Yet I still harbour thoughts of some hired ‘lumps’ grabbing him, throwing him up a flight of stairs a few times to get his attention and then asking him if he feels he’s as committed as might be. Could he make a greater effort to be a team kindda guy? That kinnda thang..


    • Yachtsman says:


      On a tangent. Roselli, president of Barcelona, says players ought to pay their agents’ fees. Blew me out of the water. I thought that was what they were doing. Shows how out of the loop one gets in the backwaters of age…

    • Delovely says:

      H – am I loosing something here or is it in the translation. He has a long term contract with us -DL knows what he is doing and more importantly I think he knows the player. LM is not going anywhere until DL says ok.

    • calebray says:

      the beatings will continue until morale improves!!!!

  • graeme3 says:

    I’m surprised that no-one has uncovered the undisputed truth! At the end of the season he’s going to Ar5ena1 in a straight swap for Thierry Henry!

  • Razspur says:

    Suarez again, he managed to get away with a 1 match ban, some message the FA sent out there, they were supposed to get tough, all players now know it`s only a 1 match instead of 2 ban. Should players now surround the ref when a team mate is fouled and call for a red ? It worked for Arsenal on Monday and the clowns at the FA have now refused to write it off even though video evidence is proof positive. Have they ever played the game ?

  • calebray says:

    if modders were to get injured for a month or two, arry would put vdv in lukas place with parker and sandro next to each other. Playing bale freely and ade with defoe/new signing.

    I dont want to lose the best player i have seen for a generation but i dont want us to get detracted from what we are achieving either.

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