
No Like Second Hand Fridge

Image for No Like Second Hand Fridge

Good morning. And hear me out.

The Daily SiegHeil is running with the tale that Fernando Torres ‘the artiste formerly known as Liverpool’s number nine’ could be an affordably priced casualty of the AVB revolution at Second Hand Fridge.

I say we ship him in. The old phrase, ‘form is temporary but class is permanent‘ is actually cobblers. What people crave is consistency. Let’s face it, how many players have we had in recent years who wrote us endless IOU’s but failed to deliver?

My theory in relation to Torres’ career going toilet-wards is simple. The players didn’t want him. If ever there was a club with a clique it is Chelsea. Drogba had the most to lose watching a few of their games together, Drog’s contempt was thinly veiled. Defoe’s passing in the 18 yard box is more generous.

So if he was transplanted into a side that actually wanted him, he’d do the business. Repeated hamstrings  and strains have probably taken some edge off him from when at his very very best, but he’s looked as fit as a butcher’s dog  from what I’ve seen of him.

And what would make any deal all the sweeter of course, is doing this after upgrading Modric’s contract. 


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