
No Like Second Hand Fridge

Image for No Like Second Hand Fridge

Good morning. And hear me out.

The Daily SiegHeil is running with the tale that Fernando Torres ‘the artiste formerly known as Liverpool’s number nine’ could be an affordably priced casualty of the AVB revolution at Second Hand Fridge.

I say we ship him in. The old phrase, ‘form is temporary but class is permanent‘ is actually cobblers. What people crave is consistency. Let’s face it, how many players have we had in recent years who wrote us endless IOU’s but failed to deliver?

My theory in relation to Torres’ career going toilet-wards is simple. The players didn’t want him. If ever there was a club with a clique it is Chelsea. Drogba had the most to lose watching a few of their games together, Drog’s contempt was thinly veiled. Defoe’s passing in the 18 yard box is more generous.

So if he was transplanted into a side that actually wanted him, he’d do the business. Repeated hamstrings  and strains have probably taken some edge off him from when at his very very best, but he’s looked as fit as a butcher’s dog  from what I’ve seen of him.

And what would make any deal all the sweeter of course, is doing this after upgrading Modric’s contract. 


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  • chris says:

    Regarding LosLorenzo’s post – I would have to disagree. Rebrov was a class act – simply a case of right man wrong time. If he was here now he would be the superstar he sadly failed to become. Hoddle’s treatment of him bordered on abuse.

    • Paul F says:

      Yeah right, cos he was such a success at West Ham after he left us, wasnt he!

      Rebrov was shit, complete and utter shit. He was so shit that I checked his record to see what it was we all got so excited about. And guess what? It was shit too. Lots of goals in the early rounds of the Champions League, a few against good ones in the latter stages, but nothing worthy of his transfer fee. At Spurs he got 10 goals in 60 games. At Fernabahce 4 in 38. At WHam 1 in 27 IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP! In short, he did nothing, absolutely nothing, outside the Ukrainian league, which was populated by mostly amateur teams at the time. Without Schevchenko alongside him, you would never have heard of Rebrov.

      Its been what, 11 years now? Stop trying to justify the whole thing to yourself. We got mugged by paying crazy money for a nobody. It happens.

  • Pablo says:

    Never in a million years! We spurs fans get caught up in the hype! Why would Torres want to come to us? A simple answer please!

  • Fatfish says:

    Wouldn’t mind Torres. Don’t want Tevez, quality player but trouble happens wherever he goes. Can’t see where Kaka would fit in. Would piss off VDV & Defoe even more.

    I’d take Llorente over all of these.

    • Pablo says:

      Why llorente, he is unproven in prem and would cost just as much?

      • Fatfish says:

        Because he’s been scoring regularly for the last 3 years in a league probably as strong as the PL.

        Big, all round striker. Holds ball up superbly. Good in the air, powerful. And scores goals. lots of them.

  • Pablo says:

    What about olic from Munich on a free in jan, would be good with modric

    • TMWNN says:


    • UnkleKev says:

      Likewise Zamora and Adebayor(a).

      • Frontwheel 2 says:

        Zamora never did and never would fit into a forward looking Tottenham team.What a step backwards he would be,more of a Stoke player imo.

        • TMWNN says:

          I’d rather have him for a few months as back up for Adebayor than the hapless Russian if we don’t manage to convince the superstars that halving their wages is a good idea.

          But I’m sure the superstars will be knocking down the doors to reduce their wages.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          All I can remember is the massive sigh of relief when he left,a few more pounds of upper body muscle can’t disguise the fact that as a footballer he is way below par.Signing him imo would be a serious mistake,having said that I was anti Parker so what the fuck do I know?

        • jim says:

          Frontwheel in all honesty 99% were anti parker. Now 100% think it was the buy of the season.

      • UnkleKev says:

        The Eunice that came back to us was a completely different player to the one that departed. Likewise Zamora’s game has improved no end over the last few years and would be a very useful addition to our squad … as a back-up to Adebayor. Thing is, he’d almost certainly want first-team action which makes this just as much a non-starter as the Tevez and Torres stories.

  • Kash says:

    Just thinking if we got Torres and he did not score after 4-5 games his confidence would hit rock bottom. Tevez is the complete opposite he would still be trying and running after every ball. But then Torres can score goals other strikers can olny dream about. On another note I see Etherington is crying about Stoke dont get recognised for playing attractive rugby sorry football.

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