
Alan Partridge’s Guide To Football

Image for Alan Partridge’s Guide To Football

Good afternoon.

I trust you’re all in rude health.

Lovely video in from   who clearly has skills. One might imagine if he drew a lady’s part on a toilet wall it would be an etching that indicated considerable degree of talent.

Jurassic Park. Enjoy.

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  • david says:

    Monsieur Wenger has decided that no players aged over 21 should be available for loan…. unless they are named Benayoun and loaned from Chelsea to Arsenal. You could not write it… although I just did.

    • essexian76 says:

      I recall asking the same question when he was on a Sky press conference.. not a single ‘reporter’ asked him the patently obvious, well, if you know your football it was obvious!

  • A_Felching says:

    Cat has got his tongue on twitter too

  • onedavemackay says:

    If they are brave enough, I’d like to hear from some of those ‘Arry out’ mob of a few months back.

    Do you still want him out or has he changed your opinion ?

    • TMWNN says:

      Nothing to do with bravery at all.

      As I recall it, if we went further back to a run of poor games in the season we actually qualified for the CL, there were probably just as many on here who wanted him out as there were who didn’t.

      Only a complete fool would want him out now with the spirit in the dressing room as it is and our current position in the league. Things change quickly in football, but my opinion that Redknapp is a right berk has never wavered, regardless of what happens on the pitch.

      I also recall that there were a few people who quickly gave up on the idea of the NDP too, but far be it from me to gloat in how wrong they were?

      • onedavemackay says:

        Good for you for putting your hand up and please don’t think I’m gloating.

        I was just curious as to whether our great form had changed anyone’s mind and what argument would still be put forward for getting rid of him. My take on the Harry haters is that they just don’t like the bloke and his talent is irrelevant.

        Personally, I’ve never had a problem with me or anyone else changing their mind and if I’m wrong on something I don’t have a problem admitting it.

        Funny thing (or maybe the sad thing) is we could have our best season in 20 or 30 years and lose him to England or HMP.

        • Billy Legit says:

          Love/Hate, ODM……Love/Hate!

          It’s a conundrum i tell ya!

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          I was never taken with him,still ain’t,but I can’t ignore the league table any more.I was being a bit of a tart about idiotgate,and who would now replace him.I wanted Ancellotti but he’s taken now.

        • TMWNN says:

          I think the only people in this game whose opinions are never wrong, are those who don’t have any opinions in the first place.
          A lot of mine have been either OTT, tongue in cheek or just plain wrong. Some have even been proven correct, but oppinions are all they’ve ever been.

          But apparently, if you don’t change your opinion, you’re a ‘bigot’ or ‘prejudice’. If you do, you’re a ‘hypocrite’.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          I’ve been saying for sometime that I don’t think he will get the England job. I think that if he even gets an interview, he will be compared with El Tel.

          As far as wanting him as Spurs manager, I have to say that I thought that though Ramos was a disaster the way he affected team morale, I couldn’t for the life of me see that he was going to be an improvement on his predecessor.

          I am still not convinced that he is the great manager that some of us believe him to be, but you can’t argue with the stats. My own gut feeling is that he has been lucky rather than gifted, but that’s Ok. I would never say no to good luck.

          One other thing I would add, is that I have often referred to his record of one trophy in 30 years. However to be fair, if you asked most of us whether we would rather finish 5th and win the EL/CC/FA cup treble or finish fourth and play in the CL next year, most of us would take the latter. So in fairness to HR, I now consider his achievement of having got us into the CL, as the equivalent of a trophy, and I now consider that he has won two trophies in 30 years, and will probably make it three or maybe even four this year.

        • onedavemackay says:

          Interesting thoughts chaps and I agree that the old duffers at the FA are bound to see Arry in the same light as El Tel i.e. they wouldn’t be rushing to sign him. I would imagine that even if Arry is cleared of this little tax thingy the FA will use it as an excuse.

          On Spurredon’s point why can’t we win the FA cup and finish 2nd that would be a decent year.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          TMWNN,I can’t see how anybody Could call you any of the 3 you mentioned,a miserable fucker maybe :-)

        • TMWNN says:

          Frontwheel 2, the majority of my posts are indeed pretty negative on here. As I’ve said before, I use this site to mainly talk bollocks and unload the bad stuff so that in the real world, opposed to this somewhat sad virtual one, you’d be surprised to find I’m almost astroesque in my positivity. I said almost. If some, and I don’t include you in this overly precious ilk, want to wet their knickers over a few throw away comments, that’s their business.

        • Anthony In That Number says:

          I think you are spot on regarding the FA and whatever the outcome of the trial they will probably use it all as an excuse to appoint anyone but HR. The other remaining English candidates will probably be Alan Pardew, Roy Hodgson and Big Sam. Having said that the FA are a law unto themselves, so who knows???????

    • jim says:

      TMWNN Stop it this instant. I’m starting to believe your a descent chap. Who can I direct my anger at if you don’t write those throw away comments. BTW I’ve only had a moan at you once and I was P****d. On a different note, HR is making himself look like a inbred, banjo playing, hick with his, cant read, cant write, life is like a box a chocolates defense at court. I dont think I’m allowed to write what i really want to till the case is over but I believe there will be some impact on the players.

      • TMWNN says:

        Easy, jim. If we all get too friendly on here it’ll end up like The Waltons, or even worse, the forever tedious Vital Spurs. I’m afraid that just won’t do.

        As for being drunk behind a keyboard; we’ve all been there.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Vital Spurs bears comparison with Triffic Tottenham, and the one thing that they have in common, is that they both use guest writers, who are in fact other BM’s.

          I once saw an entire blog on TT dedicated to the effectiveness of Gome’s goal kicks. Whether you are a Harry (Hotspur) Hater or not, you can never accuse this blog of being stale and predictable.

  • mr.james says:

    Back of the net.

  • kojac says:

    good vid

    the cup 2moro night then and wigan tuesday,should be able to handle that all right, need to get back into the swing of things and finish the job off

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