
Expert Analysis & Player Ratings To The Third Decimal Place

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Good morning.

On the news this morning they are stock taking at London Zoo. How quintessentially English. If all zoos do this as a matter of course I don’t want to know. I like to think of American, Chinese and German zoo keepers all zapping and their resident’s from golf carts using bar code guns.  

While in N1…in the midst of four dozen penguins there is a man in wellington boots armed with a pen and notebook. “27, 28… hold up fella, weren’t you number 17?”

Perhaps this is a good time take stock; count our penguins, tot up our tigers.

Yachtsman made the suggestion of not just ratings for the game but cumulative appreciation which is an excellent suggestion particularly at this mid point in proceedings.  So when leaving your, ‘What game were you watching? 7.045?! He was easily worth a 7.047!!!  It’s a good time to reflect upon the individual player’s season so far.

 7.001 Another one of those ‘he had little to do but done it well’ sketches for the Bradster. He’s been consistent and that is why he was shipped in and that is why he’s been a success. My one criticism are his kick outs. 99% of them fall into enemy hands. Ball on the floor please. Ball on the floor.

 7.002 This was him in good form and pleasing to see it. He might draw negative comments for his crossing or whatever but I’m more interested in him being trained to lay the ball off to someone we pay to do that. No costly errors worth discussing at the back and that’s the important bit.

 7.432 I see him and I start to hear Ashford & Simpson’s ‘Solid As A Rock’ playing. He’s a hunched, dogged soldier keeping guard and I sleep soundly on his watch. Something we’ve been missing for donkey’s years. A sluggish return from injury but hey, spring chickens don’t have that level of experience.

 8.999 The meteoric improvement in young Younes has been a pleasure. He was undoubtedly shipped in as cover/addition to/replacement for Ledders. He began his time brightly and then deteriorated into race horse that kept getting stuck in the stalls. Last night shows just how far he has come.

 6.861 Oh Kyle. You need to sit down in a quiet room and dwell a while on your situation. We all love the idea of you, what you could offer. But you need to focus on being a great defender first and foremost. These forward runs are beginning to grate. Again, we have other folk on the pay roll to do this and do it well.

 8.442 The old Dutch masterclass. His determination and energy levels were superb. A swash buckling performance. The only question mark is what to expect from him on a game by game basis. One minute he’s pulling more strings than the London Philharmonic the next he looks like he don’t know how to quit.

 7.000 This little fellow needs to start delivering some consistency. I’m not sure what the problem is but this was West Brom not Bayern Munich. Another game where he pottered about in the first half and then improved inthe second. If you think you’re worth £40M and he keeps telling us he is, then he needs to step up to the price tag every game.

 Ouch. We wish you well.

 6.901 Another one who has gone from being a leading light to a walk on part. This whole drifting about business isn’t working. What’s actually occurring is that he’s less involved in the game and passing over attacking reigns to men who aren’t qualified – aka – our noble ‘wing backs’.  On the wing, occasionally cut in if you wish but knock this roaming spiel on the head. Please.

 6.901 There will soon come a point when he needs to start scoring again. My admiration for him stems from what he brings to the entire team and specifically his selfless play dropping deep and generosity around the penalty box. But he’s a striker and he either creates or scores or he’s playing out of position. He’s missed some good chances this season, less so last night. But he needs to start scoring.

 7.090 His game last night was hugely improved. Call me a miserable sod but that still leaves him as an occasionally offside one dimensional chancer. But he scored and that’s what he’s paid to do so point in digging too deep I guess. 

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  • Ado Fla says:

    oh. I see it has been discussed. Carry on.

  • Spurstacus says:

    I make you 99.999% right about the floating Bale experiment.We have got away with it against weaker sides, but we wont against the better teams. We look disorganised, with too many players all floating in free roles. At any time we have Ade Bale Modders VDV Parker Sandro all through the middle. We seem to have abandoned all width.
    Perhaps we do have to try Walker at RM as niether Modders or VDV can play there effectively.
    Modders in the middle with Parker, VDV behind Ade and Charlie behind Walker. Bale and Bennie on the left.
    We wont win the league playing rush football.
    VDV’ s the one with the license ro roam, and we need Bales pace and crossing ability back.
    Other than that a windsor windsor win.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Can I be amongst the first to say that Rooneys recent hair transplant, ( :blink: ), is really quite remarkable and in no way looks like a syrup. Nor does it make him appear any more simian than he already did.
    If anything it makes him look older, (if not more mature), which no doubt appeals to his target demographic.

  • Razspur says:

    Liverpool Football Club, once a European Giant have stooped so low this week in their fanatical support of Suarez they have lost all neutral support. Instead of dignified acceptance of the 8 match ban they continue to defend the indefensible. Kenny Dalglish says “We know other things but we are not prepared to say what”, has he lost all sense of reason and morality ? Suarez said earlier whoever was found at fault by the FA should apologise…….how long must we wait ?
    He used the word “Negro” 7 times as a term of endearment, if that`s how it is in Uruguay that`s where he should be playing. He embarrassed Ajax with the biteing incident, now Liverpool with sectarianism and finger signals, what next ?

    • seattlespursguy says:

      The “it’s OK in Uruguay” defense would have slight (very slight) credence if not for the fact he played for 6 years in Holland before going to Pool. I don’t believe for a second he routinely called Black players at Ajax “negro”. Six years is plenty of time for Western European sensibilities to register. I believe he knew exactly what he was doing.

      • Spurstacus says:

        Is Saurez Uruguay’s John Terry?

        • Razspur says:

          Terry is a pussycat, remember a Suarez Bites the neck. If Terry is found guilty he should face the full force of the FA and not just a £2,500 fine.
          Have they the balls to make an example ?
          Blatter……..shake hands after the final whistle and he is the head of world football what a plonker !

    • david says:

      I love the way the Pool victim mentality has risen to the surface over Suarez.
      They could have drawn a line under this weeks ago with an apology but just carry on digging.
      I hope the authorities tell Dalglish to either prouce his evidence or shut up. Perhaps they should charge him.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    MU losing to the Toon. Lovely stuff.

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