Good evening.
By all accounts we won. This is a tremendously positive piece of news. It separates us from losers, hello Wigan, also it proves that you can occasionally get away with it. Ten internationals we were told. Technically, Arry was right. Then technically Ben Shepherd is a football presenter.
Quite how clowns like me are supposed to champion taking all these ridiculous non Premiership games when the overwhelming majority of fans are unable to watch legally or illegally is beyond me.
So at huge personal expense here then are hither to unseen highlights I managed to procure just a few minutes ago.
How did you draw that shit so fast? Seriously impressive
Very nice copy of Quentin Blake style.
Spot on! A couple of picture missing of Pav and Defoe showing immense selfishness in front of goal, denying each other clear shots and then arguing about it.
Happened on a number of occasions and really p*ssed me off.
That aside, a professional job done by our second team…. Get in.
they’re really good!
All I had was thfc radio sounds like JTS had a good game?