
HMRC’s Pound Of Flesh: Aftershocks In The Boardroom, That Sort Of Thing

Image for HMRC’s Pound Of Flesh: Aftershocks In The Boardroom, That Sort Of Thing

Good morning.

Did you know that questionnaires have also been sent to 24 clubs asking for information regarding free holidays, luxury homes and other gifts? 

The investigation is being carried out by HMRC’s High Net Worth Unit, which was specially created to target individuals worth in excess of £20million.

If the answers to the questionnaires are not satisfactory, then a full-scale investigation could soon follow.

Presumably common examples of  benefits/expenses for professional footballers include company cars, platinum toilet roll holders, health insurance, diamond encrusted  mobile phones, travel, various entertainment expenses including £27,000 bar bills, Luis Vuitton toenail clippers, that sort of thing.

This only adds weight to the notion that HMRC are making a concerted effort to make someone, anyone from the world of football a high profile coup.

Speaking of high profile coups, Tony Fernandes’ decision to bin Neil Warnock may be causing aftershocks in the boardroom at The Lane. As run on here at least twice in recent months, Mark Hughes is/was being held in a holding pattern to step in should Arry become ‘unavailable’ *cough, cough* to carry out his duties.

Hughes’ face this morning is plastered everywhere in relation to the brand new vacancy. Which poses a …poser now as what we ought to do should he accept. 

Whoever takes over at QPR wants there head looking at anyway. Pitiful gate receipts and a Chairman with delusions of grandeur. Nice combo.

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  • bankokspur says:

    I think it should be Brendan Rodgers

  • Billy Legit says:

    Pardew anyone?……..

  • Bruxie says:


    He knows what it takes to win a Prem title.

    • UnkleKev says:

      The idea of Sherwood as manager has been much derided in these parts, but if one of the naysayers could articulate their reasons for not wanting him I’d be much obliged.

  • Bruxie says:


    Danny won’t pay compo for a manager.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    Who the hell was in charge of picking the picture to go with this article? Was it a monkey with a dart? I think it was a monkey with a dart. They just tacked a bunch of photos up on a wall, got a monkey, gave it a dart, and let nature run its course. Seriously! C’mon people!

    • pedrowozwobbed says:

      To top it all, if im not mistaken, that is a counterfeit dollar bill ! HH might soon find himself in some HR type bother with the people who keep an eye on things to do with money…

      • LosLorenzo says:

        No. The article I linked to.

        • pedrowozwobbed says:

          ah…To top it all, if im not mistaken, that is a counterfeit striker ! HR might soon find himself in some AVB type bother with the people who keep an eye on things to do with money (spent on underperforming Spanish speaking players)

    • Billy Legit says:

      …….”monkey with a dart”…….

      George Bush? :ninja: …….

      • melcyid says:

        I bet I hate King Arthur Scargill and Newt Livinstone more than you hate G Dubdya :winke:

        • Billy Legit says:

          Dr Livinstone i presume? ^^

          I don’t hate anyone or anything. Despise with an unbridled passion yes, but hate, no no no :shifty:

          Anyway, how can 60 million Yanks be wrong (twice)? It’s just unfeasable :whistle:

        • melcyid says:

          NO I dont hate anyone either but those woolwich red scum is a collective and not a person so I indulge a bit of hate /venom in that direction. sort of. :winke:

        • Billy Legit says:

          I forgot about those Woolwich tosspots!

          Am i being a bit premature by stating my level of detestation towards the Arscum is slowly being replaced with feelings of pity for the lowly planks?!

          Nah, fack ’em, i will always despise those degenerate twats!

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