
Pav’s Gone AWOL

Image for Pav’s Gone AWOL

Hello my dears.

The tension is tangible. Only nearly 24 hours away from one of the biggest games in this football club’s entire history ever, since the last one. I had my say about the need for discipline here and so beyond that we need to make sure we …score.

Manu, Defoe and that pesky Russian are all fit and raring to go. Sadly Manu’s contractual obligations mean he’ll only be going as far as the comfy seats behind the substitutes.

So then there were two.

Arry in the Current Bun says of Defoe, 

“City have won all 10 Prem home games this term but it would be a fantastic achievement for us to go there and change that. 

Defoe could have a key role in that. I watch him in training and he has the shortest backlift of any striker, he barely bends his leg when teeing up a shot but then he is a brilliant finisher.

“I’ve taken Jermain with me to nearly all the clubs I’ve managed. I signed him as a little kid at West Ham, he has been with me at Portsmouth and now at Spurs. 

Our squad is more than capable of coming away with something from Man City, and it could be a big day for Defoe.”

Let’s hope they can both do the right thing and take a leaf from Ade’s performances and do more than ‘turn’, ‘shoot’ and ‘wince’. Pav’s been AWOL ever since the Togan arrived and he won’t get a better chance to prove he’s worth keeping than Sunday.

His run out in the Europa weren’t any good and we can sit here and bicker over why that was the case until the end of time. The focus here is on a top flight Premiership game surrounded by decent team mates and dangerous opposition.

Can you find Pav? Can Pav find himself? Click on the image below!

 Courtesy of the excellent

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  • Johnny Boy says:

    Sunday Brunch 1 – 1 ‘token’ victory for Spurs followed by lady Stella Artois followed by a pudding of Woolwich misery .

  • Nice but Dim Jeff says:

    Pav is terrible but he is still a Spurs player,so he has my support, but I do hope we sell the russian xxxx and get a decent replacement. Has anyone mentioned an unknown Brazilian called Leandro Damiao or something similar.!! I have my ticket for the game on Sunday, proper fan unlike you key board warriors….We shall fight them at the turnstiles, we shall fight them at the hot dog stand, we shall defeat them on the pitch…God Im bored in work everyone, sorry if you had to read this…COYS

  • cyril says:

    i think pav will only be on for the last 20 minutes. that means we have to be able to play from the back and remain calm if they close us down high up the field, thank god the dont have tevez, the rest dont work as hard. my fear is king out and dawson in, dawson is not really up to playing it out from the back on the floor and will panic and revert to lumping it forward, lescott is not especially good, but he can win headers against defoe. after the first 6 of those dawson will cotton on and go more diagonally to bale. bale is a decent header of the ball but the best i expect from that tactic is the occasional throw in as richards is a big lad. no, we need king and kaboul and modric working really hard to come and give the defenders options along with parker. that said, i am actually quietly calm, i think a flutter on defoe to score the first and a 3-2 win, repeat of the ’81 replay. then i might even want an arsenal draw, damn, i hate it if i ever feel anything other than a strong desire to see them be embarrassed

    • Bruxie says:

      If we win on Sunday, I’ll be hoping the Arse draw.

      If they get beaten…still ok. We can catch Manure.

      • cyril says:

        it just seems that it is against the laws of nature to want arsenal to ever get anything, like incest or some such stomach churning idea!

        • Billy Legit says:

          ‘ear ‘ear!

          Wouldn’t want any help from those scumbags, whether intentionally or not. I hope the red mancs give ’em another schlacking!

  • Bruxie says:

    Sounds like Defoe is to start alone. I cannot see Pav having any part in this game.

    How can his head be right?

    If ever there was a time for him to leave a lasting legacy of his frustrating stay with us, it’s Sunday.

    Hope Defoe doesn’t tire or get injured.

  • Alspur says:

    Sandro’s not fit for Sunday, but King’s a possible starter… come on, Ledders, we need you…

    As for Walker & Benny focusing on defending: if City play their normal 433, the FBs provide an excellent opportunity to (a) get forward unopposed or (b) drag a MF player wide, giving us a man over in the middle…

    I say: push on, judiciously, boys! As long as the other FB and Parker don’t overcommit, away you go!! :)

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