
The 10 O’Clocker: Azza Blud Will NOT Be Joining Malaga, It’s Official!

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Azza Blud Will NOT Be Joining Malaga, It’s Official!

Good evening.

His royal highness, FartTomb Of The Lane has staked his full reputation upon this threat of the Chapeltown Tiger aka Azza Blud heading to Spain not occuring. 

Say wha ? Well word was in that Azza had let this slip this ‘fact’ whilst in the company of a lady. Having obviously decided to forgo the, ‘how I’m not actually that short’ and the, ‘how I’m really fascinating’ weren’t avenues worth going down the ‘I’m in demand’ line was eventually favoured.

And this actually raises a  question. Would you actually  sell off Lennon?

I would. And I wouldn’t think twice about it.

Am I mad? Well, I strongly uphold the view that if Sid Trotter™ leaves this blog it’ll be the equivalent of the ravens leaving the Tower of London. So technically, yes I am.

Azza’s never been truly consistent – and for all his great moments, how often does he get injured and then take for b l e e d i n‘ ever to mount a comeback? We’re on the brink of greatness and it’s time we genuinely kicked on. And that means sacrifices or as I prefer to call them, ‘improvements’.

If he’s so big time, then why haven’t any genuine big time offers ever come in for him? I think that answers the question.

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  • LLL says:

    Most of our squad must be shit then, as the only one’s I’ve heard ever bids about are Modric and um… um…

    • Morten says:

      Modders and bassong… they are the best we have ;)

    • SpurredoninDublin says:


      The thing is, that unless we are dealing with rejects such as Bentley and 3MP, the only teams that can afford our players are the Sky 4 and Shitty. They will already have players of similar ability.

      Look at the players we have wanted to keep over the years such as Carrick, Berbatoss and PSB, and look where they have moved to.

      Look at the players we have wanted to ditch such as Hutton and MP, and look where he plays now.

      It’s not that our players are “shit”, it’s more to do with the fact that paying £10 mill plus for a player who will add slight improvement to your team is difficult to justify.

      • LLL says:

        yeah, but thing is, I was just pointing out that it’s not really convincing to say that Lennon must be shit because otherwise we would have had bids in for him, because if that were the case most of our squad must be shit as there is little public record of bids for any of them.

        More likely, Lennon has been sniffed around, and possibly bids have been lodged, but have been met with a firm ‘not for sale’. It’s not all clubs that go around publicly tapping up other players they want to sign like Chelsea did, and like, er, Harry does all the time.

        My personal opinion is that Lennon is one of our most valuable assets. That’s why we only have one of him. How many crocked defenders do we have and how many more Samba’s and Cahill’s etc etc could we potentially sign to bolster / replace them? That’s right. But we only have one Azza, and I wouldn’t swap him for Walcott or Dyer or whoever. There really is, “only one Aaron Lennon” and we should be bloody grateful we have him!

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Not disagreeing with you. I was explaining why you don’t see that many bids for our squad in general.

          As far as Lennon is concerned, I love watching him. As someone else pointed out, he is injury prone, but that’s because most FB’s can only stop him with fouls.

          Before HR introduced the tactic of changing wings, I was thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great to get both FB’s on yellows, and then swap wings to give them a new prob to think about.

          In general, for close control at speed, I don’t think there is a better winger in the PL, and as ever, his biggest prob is that “final ball”, but on his day, you know that with the passes from Thudd, Modric and VDV, he is capable of gettin half a dozen crosses in each game.

  • Jameson says:

    Would no way get rid, we look so much more of a threat with Azza on the wing. It’s one thing focusing on defending against Bale it’s easy for the opposition to forget about Azza; we could have done with him against Swansea I think the West Brom game would also been less tense and opened up a bit earlier. Not to mention his defensive work which has debeloped nicely over the last few years, he seems to have an understanding with Kyle as much as Bale has with BAE, and that is priceless. Keep him and sign a forward & CB and we can expect 3rd minimum.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I’ve yet to see the understanding you talk about. It sometimes looks like we have two right wingers with Lennon and Walker.

      However, I do think that once they develop an understanding, left backs through the PL will be crapping themselves.

  • Tel says:

    Have you been at sauce tonight HH? last season and the prior season he was the mustard. I agree he is not the most consistent player but we would definitely miss him if he went

  • Tel says:

    Have you been at the sauce tonight HH? last season and the prior season he was the mustard. I agree he is not the most consistent player but we would definitely miss him if he went

  • Razspur says:

    Azza has had a good run of form just prior to the latest injury, his crosses have improved and the position swopping with Baler came up trumps. He does cut inside early at times when i would prefer him to beat the defender and cross from the by-line to Ade but all in all a big improvement. Who could we reasonably get to “Fill his Boots ?” If it smells like Bulls*it it usually is Bulls*it.

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