
The 10 O’Clocker: The Leandro Dime Bar Special

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: The Leandro Dime Bar Special

Good evening.

This must be the inertia before the guano storm, I guess.

The name of Leandro Dimebar rears it’s … er name once more. Triffic. I am staggered that a (yet again vocal minority) keep banging on about him like he’s some class of panacea.

Grow up. Dime bar ‘fans’ what do you actually know about him? Or are you too busy scweaming for a change? Any change. Just something different? 

His path has largely been one of struggle and a prolonged battle to prove wrong his many doubters. 

Damiao tore through the lower league defences with such regularity that sure enough the bigger clubs started to take note.

Whether the Brazilian youngster can adapt to the harsh, demanding climes of the Premier League is a legitimate doubt

Sabotage Times do lots of things right as a matter of course …and the great quotes above are from them.

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  • bazza says:

    The funny thing is I doubt whoever wrote those comments for the Sabotage Times has ever seen Leandro play more than two or three full games

  • UnkleKev says:

    “I was celebrating at home when Manchester City lost at Sunderland, and especially as the winning goal was offside.”
    Rafael van der Vaart

    Induct this man in the Hall of Fame now.

  • Yachtsman says:

    At the end of the day, there are managers who are gents and managers who aren’t. Remember the goal at Manure a few seasons ago which wasn’t. Martin stayed polite. As he has throughout his career in football. Not a harsh word, even when he’d been dispensed with while his team were on the pitch, while the game was actually being played. Though shocked (and surely angered) he acted like a gent should. Ditto with our ‘Arry after Stoke this year. And many another time, Yes, he will cross the t’s and dot the i’s. But with good manners. Like a gent.

    How about Arsenic W, again today (yesterday, I suppose)? It’s not just that he whinges, or moans. It’s that he accuses, sneers at the motives of others, etc. That’s not what we expect of a sportsman, let alone a gent. Simples.

    Normally, I would not castigate even a bloke like Arsenic. Don’t we all live in glassshouses? But his after game rant just did it for me. Too much.

    • melcyid says:

      Thats why we are Tottenham and they are the dirt bag cheats they have always been.
      Look at the foundations of any institution or company and you will see the way it will eventually go. Its in their dna not in ours. look at the way Levy goes by the book ,not like dein who goes on the pitch at lowbury and announces thet spurs have to play against wetspam while most of our team were throwing up etc.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      @ Yachtsman

      Whinger has taken the concept of “bad loser” and plumbed new depths with it. Can you imagine if he was in the US and allowed to carry a gun?

      • lecoqhardi says:

        For Whinger it’s a sort of Reverse Cry Wolf Situation. For years he didn’t see a thing on the pitch and now suddenly he can spot what no-one else can and shouts his little head off about it.

        ‘Mystics, estate agents, and Whinger can all see things that ordinary mortals cannot.’

  • toddspur says:

    If we win tonight this will be the league;

    Citeh 45
    Manure 45
    Tottingham Hotspur 42
    Chelscnut 37
    Arsensholes 36

    Oh and we still have a game in hand on the London pretenders.

    • Razspur says:

      Looks great but i won`t start counting Chicken Badges just yet, confident but not overconfident, this has been a week of crazy results and who is fit to play ?
      When the stars align in the firmamint and there`s a 1 in the year then Spurs will arise conquering all before to march forward towards their rightful place at the pinnacle of European Football, and so it is written, destiny beckons.

  • Onlyme says:

    PSB back at the lane! Nooooooo!! Lets hope he doesn’t take the boys to Dublin on a piss up!!

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