
The 8 O’Clocker: Modric Unhappy, Samba Wants Out, Remy Deal Off…

Image for The 8 O’Clocker: Modric Unhappy, Samba Wants Out, Remy Deal Off…

Good evening.

This window is so quiet if you close your eyes you can just see Ted Moult pondering over which feather to use. But will Arry fit the best into this the Best Performing Side Since ’61™?

“I’m staying,” Loic Remy told Canal+. “I will 100 per cent stay at Marseille until the end of the season and even the end of my contract.

“I have spoken with the president and the staff. And it would not be right for me to leave this club.

“We’ll see next summer but that’s not even in my head for now.”

Closer to home a young man by the name of Christopher Samba has handed in his notice at Blackburn Rovers. This is hardly a seismic announcement. He was quoted saying, “things have not gone as I was told , it is time for a change”.

He is probably telling the truth. I’m not familiar with every single detail of the ins and outs of the Venky Operation but as I say, ‘you don’t need to fall off a chair to know it probably hurts.’

If I was Blackburn fan I would have had more respect for them if they had simply renamed the club The Peri Peri Pirates.

But what Blackburn got were two three halfwit rumours/threats/lies about Emporer Franz Beckenbauer and Geoff Hurst or similar joining them. It would have been more credible if they’d have said that Nick Griffin was signing.

Steve Kean was recruited for his ability to say,’ yes’ and the only money they put in was to service existing debt. Oh and of course the cash they had to give the Trustees. Anyway, that’s their business. 

Modric is ‘unhappy’ says Garth Crooks in his Tean Of The Week column. I wouldn’t go for Garth’s throat though. I see in the little Croat’s body language he’s got issues. I don’t trust him and therefore I’m just hoping we get as much out of him on the pitch before next summer and then as much off the pitch for him in pounds, shillings and pence. 


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  • mus says:

    harry why you the angry all time you no get the sex sumfin make fakinel you talk the shit the tottenham so much

  • Muspeak says:

    Harry, old chap, aren’t you having a sexual relationship with your wife right now? Is this making you irritable,tetchy and a tadge vitriolic? and are these symptoms clouding your opinion of the mighty Spurs?

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      At the risk of upsetting people, I’d like to see an end to comments about other posters sex lives with wives etc. Nothing wrong if the person writes about their own sex lives, but I think it’s tasteless in the extreme to retaliate or comment in this way about another poster.

      • Doc says:

        Don’t worry about it, it’s only a bit of spam.

        If you look at the username it is a website so all the individual is after is a one way backlink to their site from here, presumably this site has a higher page rank than their own.

        If I were HH i’d just delete it.

  • ya reap what ya sow,and this is comin from a fella that lives in dublin,slaggin capital of the world?

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I realise from your performance last Saturday, that like Mourinho, you are a special (needs) one. In case you have not worked it out, my point is that I think it is not acceptable to write about other forum members families with reference to sex acts.

      Where I live is not relevant, but in case you should want to make it an issue, perhaps you could cite a source for your statement.=, but I won’t hold my breath. I wont ask you to tell me what I have sown, because I am sure it will be in your usual irrelevant style.

      • source of my statement? im from Drogheda

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Yet another moron who cannot tell the difference between fact and opinion.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          It never fails to amaze me how difficult it is to find someone Irish who has a good word to say about Dubliners.

          It seems somewhat ironic that while everybody appears to have nothing good to say about the inhabitants, that someone else should then go on describe it as “slaggin capital of the world”. Pot? Kettle? Black?

          As it’s coming up to Robert Burn’s Birthday, you might want to learn from this, “O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us”.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Mancini is a bigger c*nt than Villas-Boas. Discuss.

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