
The End Is Nigh

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So here we go. Hold tight on the upper deck.

Hands up who can name two or more players from the Swansea side that we played yesterday? Three or more? Four or mo… oh look if you still have your hand up you’re either on a wind up or your on the playing staff at The Liberty.

So am I saying that they wanted it more? Am I saying that we screwed up? No, I’m making the point to that we need to focus on what we actually saw there and not dumb down our analysis to just whether we were were pants or not.

Swansea were excellent. They defended convincingly in number and to be frank their attempts on goal frequently had us looking like we were up against a marauding European outfit. Ball on the floor, wave upon wave of attacking football.

So beyond marveling at the discovery of the finest team the world has ever seen, where did we go wrong?

Well, we didn’t have much possession. And without the ball we only appeared to have Sandro who stood half a chance of winning it back. PNB is beginning to look pooped and what looked like a twisted knee might just be great opportunity to rest him up for a game or two.

On that whole ‘winning the ball back’ business, Bale and Modric do a good impression of two people waiting for their butler go fetch it for them. Modric tracks back, but it’s rare to see either putting their shoe in.

The substitution of van der Vaart revealed we had nothing creative enough left on the pitch to threaten them with. The removal of PNB revealed we will be horribly vulnerable without him. Any sparks that might have flown from us were extinguished there and then.

Livermore and Walker? Walker I’ll persevere with as there is only Charlie to replace him and he’s better than that. But when is young Kyle going to get some proper  instruction from one of our illustrious coaches?

Livermore can go back to the reserves and pay off his outstanding dues. After some promising performances I’ve come to the conclusion he’s a pretender. Not a con man, rather he’s mastered looking the part but he’s a long way off from being the required standard. Swagger, sadly little substance. 

I see in a few places Friedel getting some stick. THFC want to make that Arry quote, ‘People want goalies that don’t make mistakes – and they don’t exist’  made into a bumper sticker and include as the crappy ‘free’ gift with next season’s membership pack.

For those genuinely seething of course there is I suppose always  the option of having a butchers at the league table and taking a deep breath.

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  • Hoggy1983x says:

    Sorry but Gomes has had numerous opportunities to make the jersey his. I’d rather concede goals via good finishes than bloopers. Friedel has been very solid and has actually made some top class saves to boot. Yesteday was a small error. One small error out of 18 league games.

  • Milky Bar Yid says:

    Anyone who has a pop at friedel can smell their mum!!

  • Milky Bar Yid says:

    So if you spell it without a capital letter it reads differently?? #MORON

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